Werbung auf Twitch trotz Adblocker?
Ich hab Ublock Origin als Adblocker und der funktioniert sonst eigentlich immer und überall, aber nur Twitch schafft es, dass trotzdem Werbung geschaltet wird vor den Streams.
Wieso ist das so? Also wie macht Twitch das und warum schafft es scheinbar nur Twitch, gegen Adblocker vorzugehen und sonst niemand?
Maybe they play the advertisement directly into the video stream instead of charging it independently of the stream and simply placing it on it. So, like it was on TV.
So it is the adblocker can not work properly here because there are no ordinary apps placed at fixed places but can be triggered arbitrarily these are also not always for each user at the same time playing is interrupted and instead advertising is played
If you are Amazon Prime users you can connect your Amazon account to your Twitch account and are automatically Twitch Prime member
I recommend phrases. 😅
You interpret too many things into statements that were not even met.
Arguing here probably doesn’t help. You don’t even understand my approach after I run it.
It’s nice that people like you don’t want to understand why they’re right with certainty you’ll tell everyone that the third kingdom was wrong the attitude whose was not correct but don’t understand that you basically represent the same attitude
If you say that in a German forum only people are allowed to write that do the German spelling perfectly You nothing else like the Nazis 1933 in Germany
You therefore discriminate against any person with a migration background or people who cannot fulfil these requirements due to health problems
You should be able to assign Germans to you in English forum just as you do
You’re arguing about me and I don’t understand what to do with political right.
Since your texts are a bit more difficult to read, I simply leave it with the mischievous phrase:
I recommend phrases. 😅
I love this argumentation of you German you do not realize how right you are actually if we would complain each time if a European writes in one of our English forum then we would have to write such comments as you day and night we know nothing else then comment was simply meaningless and has no further help
You are now trying to feel morally superior and claim no one to have attacked and to feel better yourself yet your comment was completely freed of sense has not helped anyone and was only to hurt anyone else tell me what meaning such a sentence otherwise has for someone
Moreover, this is an international forum it is German-speaking but by the way it is not German
You write from level and do not notice that this attitude is extremely right so you do not want to prohibit anyone who is completely powerful due to illness or bad German knowledge of German spelling in a forum?
Sorry but that sounds extreme for me after 3 rich I see this as a foreigner slightly different
You’re in a public forum where you have to deal with such criticism. Or at least react appropriately.
The levelless use of prejudices as an insult confirms me that you are rather wrong here. I didn’t want to attack you with my comment – I like to use emojis for clarification. But you deliberately attacked me.
Yes, maybe it doesn’t matter to the questioner whether or not there are phrases in your post, but first of all, there are others who may not be able to read as well due to physical or mental restrictions – that’s why I basically draw attention to them; and secondly, the guidelines suggest that contributions should be written grammatically correct.
Since this is a German-speaking forum, I don’t care about your foreign background, because I have received your contribution and not your person.
If you write here, among other things, because you want to improve your knowledge of German, this is not so bad and no one has anything to do with it, but to respond to feedback and to go to the lower level, I do not think that is appropriate here. Nevertheless, I wish you a nice Sunday and hope that your mood will be better.
Only as a small tip yet I know that after almost 80 years it is still not clear to everyone, but Germany is not about everything there are people whose native language is not German I would ask you to use perfect English in the next youtube comment and not the summer school English but American English
Greetings a user with mobile phone camp with American background as to express it politically correct
And I just recommend shutting down if you don’t have to say anything like you really nobody likes a real Kevin