Wer zahlt Schaden?
ein Kumpel hat etwas an meinem KFZ repariert & es „verschlimmbessert“. Nun ist ein anderer Schaden am Auto entstanden.
Kann ich bzw. er diesen Schaden an die Haftpflicht bzw. KFZ Haftpflicht/Kasko Versicherung melden?
Ja, es handelt sich um Grobfahrlässigkeit, er hat es nicht besser gewusst & dadurch unbewusst mehr Schaden verursacht.
You can try to sue the perpetrator. Problem is only if this is not professionally and officially repaired, but privately and the culprit suddenly invents any excuse, the insurance will certainly not pay and you will then sit the damage
No, your car insurance won’t pay.
If it’s a commercial repair company, his liability will be paid.
If it was a coincidence, you’ll be on the damage.
If he has not logged in, it is your problem; In the case of so-called “neighbourhood aid” there is no claim for damages.
Thanks for the answer. Can I read this somewhere or Is there $ this saying? Thank you.
As a rule, there is a tacit disclaimer of liability in the event of damage to liability.
In many private liability insurance, however, liability damage is also insured. If you have completed a PHV, the Bundesgerichtshof assumes that the insurance waives this implied disclaimer of liability (BGH judgment of 26 June). April 2016, Az. IV ZR 467/15).
Neither the KFZ liability nor the Kasko bears damage from repair stuff.
he will have to pay from his own pocket. Hold on to him.
he caused the damage. a processing damage insurance has the
Isn’t that what makes private liability?
that does not guarantee.
That’s what your buddy pays. No one
And what if the buddy suddenly invents any lies and pretends he’s got nothing to do with it? Then the owner remains the damage.
That’s it. That’s why never let a black-screwed buddy screw on his own car 🤷🏻 ♂️