wer zahlt fürs begräbnis wen kinder usw kein geld haben?

Hallo wenn z.b. die eltern sterben müssen ja meist die kinder sofern eben von elternseits nichts zurverfügung steht zahlen,

jetzt mal angenommen das das so passiert und die kinder selbst haben eben auch kein geld und können das zahlen was passiert dann?

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1 year ago

In the case of medium-term unemployment, the social office, the commitment to burial as the next member, is not dispensed with.

Then you only get the basic program, although you can choose between fire, sea or earth funeral, but only in the cheapest version. grief speech, ceremonies in the chapel and a normal dignified burial process etc. pay those, but for example no gravestone; you have to do it yourself if desired.

In addition, Beastatters are funny and refuse the funeral for weeks and freeze the dead until there is a call from the office.

1 year ago

If no one can pay, the state must pay a simple supplement:

The most important thing in this article is:


1 year ago

Then the state goes in advance and the children have debt.

1 year ago

burial costs are paid by the heirs. The children of the deceased thus only come around these costs when they fail the inheritance. If there are no heirs, the state inherits – and thus also pays the burial costs. Doesn’t mean for the kids that they can’t even keep private memories like photos…

1 year ago
Reply to  HappyMe1984

Incorrect even if you knock out the inheritance you may have to pay.

1 year ago
Reply to  bcords


1 year ago

The kids have to live on something. And if they receive social benefits, the state will also have to intervene here and I pay the funeral, or the taxpayer.

1 year ago

The Social Office