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The Social Office.
The problem is that your income will only remain a pocket money of just over 100€ per month. You can hardly pay hairdressers and clothes. Not to mention smoking. Hygiene products don’t pay the home either.
So your pocket money for hygiene products and hairdresser goes on and off in the home and eating three times a day is nothing left. Quality of life equal to zero. City bumblebees, a beer or a cigarette – you can forget. Even clothing becomes a problem.
Thank you very much for the ⭐.
The best way to contact the Social Services is to give you information.
The service is a social service and means help for care. It is taken over by the Landrat Office.
However, you should have at least nurse level 3, otherwise you usually do not come to a nursing home for lack of space.
In addition to the income/ pension, a part is taken over by your compulsory care insurance. The rest would have to pay the Social Office.
The generality in the form of social contributions.
The Social Office. 🤷