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5 years ago

In general:

These two cats are not dissimilar to their physical form of administration.

The lion is basically a little shorter, so it is also a little easier. However, the weight drop is not as large as frequently assumed. It is often read that tigers can reach a maximum weight of 350 kg. Here you have to take a look into the detail:

1. is the maximum weight,

Two. This version is a description of an exceptional specimen.

A tiger who had such a weight on the scale would be tremendous.

Proceeding from such an extreme case, any kind of lion would be undermined, since in such a large power gradient the topographical circumstances no longer play a role.

Taking into account the rule, it can be noted that the tiger might have a small physical advantage. The outcome of the struggle was in most cases in favor of the tiger

9 years ago

The tiger is the biggest and strongest big cat. There can also be a lion which is the second most powerful cat.

8 years ago
Reply to  szgtmn

The lion, for example, has its mistress that protects in from the strangled..And is used to protect its territory from rivals.

8 years ago
Reply to  tuskenpenner

A tiger is also used to defend his territory against other tigers.

7 years ago
Reply to  szgtmn

But is more important for lions

8 years ago

Purely scientific of the tiger (brain, grain mass bite, etc.) For the lion his man speaks where the tiger would not have a chance to paralyze the lion or to depress the air and to deny his instinct to every enemy. But what no one writes: it comes to the FIRST mistake! If the tiger or lion is in a bad position, then it is usually different. I think both have earned the reputation “King of the Animals”.

8 years ago

I would say the tiger wins because he is bigger and stronger than the lion.

However, it is difficult to predict the end of this struggle (in my opinion), as lions live in other habitats.

The lion lives in the steppe of Africa and the tiger prefers forests.

So everyone would have an advantage if they were fighting in their habitat.

9 years ago

Both have good chances.

The tiger can be a bit bigger and heavier, the lion has more experience.

Ultimately, it can go out like that. The lion could have a small advantage.

However, it is likely that the winner will also have severe injuries.

In Natura such struggles are very rare, but the Reviere are very far apart.

8 years ago

A lot of experts think the tiger has a brain about 16% larger in relation to his body size and is to be smarter after their observations and should also be predictive in the fight. Tigers are wiser than lions even when lions live in the pack and tigers do not. From strength and greatness, lion and royalty are very similar. The Siberian tiger is bigger than a lion. But it can be that sometimes the tiger would win the lion.

9 years ago

Most likely the lion. The fights in the savanna with really strong animals and have very many experiences in the fight.

9 years ago


9 years ago

The Lion

9 years ago

The lion would win because he is more experienced.

9 years ago
Reply to  SniperEye127

Come on, lions. If there’s a lazy lion who’s always on the gammeln and lets others do, you can’t say he’s more fighter-driven!

9 years ago
Reply to  Layup23

There are no lazy lions. Löwinen go hunting, lions protect territory. Everybody’s doing something. There are only rotten people.

5 years ago
Reply to  SniperEye127

Rather the opposite is the case, since male lions themselves do not go hunting, but the females, quite contrary to the tiger. Apart from that, the tiger must defend his territory as well as the lion.

9 years ago

The lion probably.