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1 year ago

The question has already been asked by the public.

I don’t know how it always comes to such a strange comparison.

Here we go.

Every wild, slightly larger animal is definitely stronger than any human being.

An angry gorilla theoretically only needs seconds to kill Mike Tyson and then mutilate to inconceivableness.

1 year ago

In a really serious fight of the gorilla. Especially a silver wig. A gorilla is still a multiple stronger than the strongest person in the world

Gorillas are quite peaceful. But what one should not do should stare in their eyes or drum on their breasts. Both a gorilla sees as a call for struggle or challenge. In such cases, a gorilla can actually seriously attack and hurt a person severely.

1 year ago

That’s what I’d say. My big bro also makes martial arts and I know how strong martial arts are in part, but I think in the ring boxing fight no person could win against a gorilla.

Nevertheless, you also have to say people are so strong and dangerous because of their intelligence, so Mike could just take an branch or a metal rod or lure the gorilla into a trap and so win. So yes, comes on the way of battle I would say

1 year ago

Can a man win a fight against a gorilla?

How strong is a gorilla

There has never been such an experiment, of course, but it is also an exciting question. Let’s look at the conditions first. An average gorilla weighs 143kg. The average man is just about 80kg.

Furthermore, the rules of this “campaign” apply. If man had access to weapons like guns or knives, the fight would probably be won by man. Even if the gorilla got the same tools, he could not use them as useful as man.

In a fight only with fists, the person would be far superior and would not have a chance. Although the gorilla is much smaller, it still has the greater range with its arms. A person would have problems reaching the gorilla. Furthermore, the arms of the gorillas are much more powerful and can strike harder with them. A viewless game for man.


1 year ago

A grown-up gorilla would kill mike tyson. There mike can beat so hard, the gorilla is much stronger and also has teeth. The fight doesn’t go long, escape would be the right thing.

1 year ago

A gorilla hardly knows the box rules and never will fight like that. From the pure muscle power the strongest man in the world can not withstand by far with a silver back

1 year ago

Would say Gorilla 🦍

Jat also sharp claws

1 year ago
Reply to  Gelbzahn1308

Claws? He has hands with fingers…

1 year ago

Chuck norris

1 year ago

A gorilla.

1 year ago

Bake the cake? The gorilla!