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At least the first could have been a principle of (East)Berlin. Unfortunately, it was later “from above” that they had to moderate sound. Here is a radio production from 1975:,its%20Deb%C3%BCtalbum%20Black%20Sabbath%20ver%C3%B6ffent.
Yes, but Sabbath is not a German band.
I’m right
If you call “Paranoid” by “Black Sabbath” metal, it might be the cover song “The Dog of Baskerville” by “Cindy & Bert”, from 1970. 😁
The song sounds terrible
No one can say that’s not heavy! 😀
The Scorpions, with this cover (of 1975):
Fuchsi go ahead:
This is hard to determine, the transition to metal is flowing.
I think the Scorpions would be a legitimate denomination.
With the publication of some German-speaking songs in the 70s under the pseudonym “The Hunters”.
Accept of 1976
According to ChatGPT.
they have been singing
Doesn’t seem to be doing it.