Wer war der grausamste Mensch aller Zeiten?

Es würde mich interessieren, wen ihr für den grausamsten und schrecklichsten Menschen der Geschichte haltet.

Klassische Antworten sind natürlich immer Hitler, Stalin etc. aber ich suche für schulische Zwecke nach mehr den Undergrounds wie Leopold der 2.

Bin auf die Antworten gespannt, am besten mit Begründung

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2 years ago

In the Soviet Union there were the most sadistic murderers of all time. Living sawing, piles, burning, skins and soaking in acid were among the usual methods of Lenin’s Cheka. No one heard the screams of tortured to death from the shrines of the Lubjanka in Moscow and today’s historiography usually dazzles this chapter.

I recommend the books of Sergei Melgunow and Robert Nilostonski to take a true look into hell created by the godless Bolshevism on earth. I also recommend the Gulag survivor Alexander Issajewitsch Solschenizyn to read. He survived the hell of the Gulag extermination camps, whose victims he estimated at over 30 million.

Among the leaders, the mass murderer Beria stands out, who is responsible not only for millions of deaths, but for the fun in his Dasha near Moscow, also personally, should have marred people to death.

In addition, Felix Edmundovich Dserschinski would be thinking of the founder of these most cruel secret services ever created. The Cheka was repeatedly unnamed, only in GPU, then in NKWD, later in KGB.

In addition to other mass murderers such as Genrich Grigorievich Jagoda, Nikolai Ivanovich Yashov, Naftali Aronovich Frenkel, Matwei Davydovich Berman and Lasar Moisseevich Kaganovich. There was never a more cruel system on earth than Bolshevism in Russia. Even the inquisition (Torquemada, etc.) and the torture of the Ottomans and Arabs in the Middle Ages were nothing against it.

2 years ago
Reply to  PsySkill

That’s it! That’s really nothing for delicate minds. I advise to read Dante Inferno from the “Godliche Komödie”. Then continue with torture porn like “Saw” and “Hostel”. And if you also bear these, then (but really only then) you should do what Melgunow (The Red Terror in Russia 1918 -23), Nilostonski (The Blood Rush of Bolshevism) and Solzhenizyn (Archipel Gulag) revealed.

The reality formed by the bestial psychopaths can be a little more terrible than what the imagination of non-psychopathic people may be so frightened. –

2 years ago

Erzebeth Bartory, Mao Tse-Tung and Jiang Qing during the Cultural Revolution, Sister Pia (was in the 2nd WK a “size”), Mengele… so among Hitler there were some who could live here full, Pontius Pilatus, Nero…
I’m sure I’ll get a few more.

On a single person, I couldn’t fix myself, so you’d be relative to the others.

2 years ago

Dschingis Khan certainly belongs to

Vlad the Pfähler would remember

but also many figures about which one learns relatively neutral in school, not to say positively, include, for example, Alexander the Great (which is called Alexander the Schlächter in Iran) was also unimaginably cruel and has caused a lot of suffering and destruction.

Maybe this list will help you: https://www.businessinsider.de/wissenschaft/die-skrupellosesten-anfuehrer-aller-zeit-r/

Of course, the well-known are all here (Hitler, Stalin, Lenin, etc.) but also many of whom you have never heard.

2 years ago

Mobutu sese seko, the man who bribes all hens, died peacefully in Saudi Arabia.

Mobutu Sese Seko Kuku Ngbendu wa Zabanga was dictatorial president of the Democratic Republic of Congo from 1965 to 1997. His name means “the warrior who goes from conquest to conquest without fear”.Wikipedia

2 years ago

My candidates would be: Dschingis Khan, Vlad der Phäler, Josef Stalin, Adolf Hitler and Nasser

2 years ago

He is the wrong answer because he didn’t kill anyone, he had his people to do it: Mengele, hyänin von ausschwitz etc.

2 years ago

Dschingis Khan.

2 years ago

Adolf hitler

2 years ago

The legend about his death by a courtesan is also hot. 😉