Wer von GF ist denn Raucher (Reine Neugier)?
Frage steht oben, bin mal gespannt wie diese Umfrage endet 😉
Habt noch einen schönen Tag!
Euer Sonic
Frage steht oben, bin mal gespannt wie diese Umfrage endet 😉
Habt noch einen schönen Tag!
Euer Sonic
Hallo, ich nehme Cipralex und Trittico in geringen Dosen. Ich hab mal gelesen, dass man da kein Koffein zu sich nehmen soll. Ich würd aber ab und zu gerne eine Cola-Dose trinken. Hat wer Erfahrungen damit? lg
Am besten etwas für zwischendurch, was ich essen könnte ohne zu kochen oder nochmal zu erwärmen, es soll viele Kalorien haben und einigermaßen gesund sein.Welche Lebensmittel kommen da in Frage?
Mein Sohn wird Ende des Jahres nun 4 und hat noch immer einen Schnuller. Ich finde es nicht schlimm aber es stresst mich schon. Natürlich finde ich das er nun zu alt ist und denke dabei auch an die Zähne. Und dann hört man bei anderen immer wie einfach es doch war. Schnuller kaputt geschnitten,…
Ich habe mir so eine 7000 tornado vape geholt die bei denen man das liquid auch sehen kann, bin dann mit der in meiner Handtasche 2 Stunden geflogen und als ich ankam habe ich gemerkt das mehr als die Hälfte vom liquid aufeinmal weg war. Das ist mir jetzt schon das 2 mal passiert. Weiß…
Habe heute erfahren dass ich rheuma habe.kann ich knorpelschäden stoppen und muss man ein leben lang tabletten nehmen?
Ich bin 15 und seit ich 12 bin hab ich meine Periode schon seit immer hab ich unterleib schmerzen mal stark mal leicht letztens waren sie so stark dass ich sogar weinen musste… also kaum ertragbar ich hab auch 2 mal Schmerz Tabletten genommen was kaum geholfen hat was soll ich machen? Meine Periode geht…
But only occasionally when I’m with friends. I don’t own smokers myself.
If you are interested in representative figures on this topic, I can recommend the following linked reports.
Consumption of tobacco and e-cigarettes in young people and young adults, https://www.debra-study.info/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/Factsheet-09-v3.pdf
Smoking in young people and young adults in Germany, https://www.bzga.de/fileadmin/user_upload/PDF/studies/Alkoholsurvey_2018_Report-Rauchen.pdf
Thanks very much ⭐
At the time when the questions were asked I was still non-smoker but I started smoking last year in August
I find smoking disgusting, expensive, harmful to health and simply totally meaningless and stupid. I grew up in a smoker’s household, including smoking coughs, already as a toddler, and I’ve always suffered under it. As a mother of an asthmatic I see every day how my son suffers when he goes past a group of smokers, for example, via the railway station. It doesn’t have to be real.
I enjoy smoking a cigarette. As a rule, I smoke Marlboro Red and Davidoff Classic, because the completely different tobacco flavors keep the sensitivity to the particular tobacco taste.
I have inhaled tobacco-burning residues for decades. I’ve been steaming for a few years. So not those disposable dumps you should prohibit. Tastes better, doesn’t stink, no waste, no more coughing. From time to time I get a cigarette that I smoke from courtesy. I regret it every time. By the way: E-cigarettes are not smoked but steamed.
Non-smokers are written together;)
My parents smoked, my father died of it (small cell lung cancer) and my mother, fortunately, stopped.
My friend smokes little, but thinks about stopping.
I’ve always found cigarettes full of disgust and see nothing positive in smoking tobacco. Healthy and expensive, no more.
So no interest in this, especially after history with lung cancer. About a year after the diagnosis was Father’s funeral.
my opa smoked cigar, died of liver cerose
my father smoked earlier than I was on the way, he stopped from yesterday and also no longer started
Liver cirrhosis die in the normal case people who consume very much and permanently alcohol.
That’s exactly how my mother did it, bang hard from now on, and it worked out. Apparently this works better than slowly reducing. Just have to be the will.
This and because they know that even less and less smoking and therefore less and less tobacco tax land in the tax base…
You’re not in it.
From that… Everyone also has cancer cells in the body, only they do not break out at everyone and not always malicious to death
My father even suffered from the worst COPD, as NR. The Pulmo collapsed after two chamber flounders on cardiovascular ITS, Post Herzop.
Oh yes the tobacco tax… hypocritically increases to animate smokers to stop, but surely only because they know that there are always those who do not want to stop or. do not make it through
Neija… there are such and such. According to statistics and surveys, smokers are probably on the way back… I’m just wondering what the state base says about the tax-reducing revenues…
I wrote NIX andres or?
and in addition to the previous classic beer in the evening and in football… no excessive consumption with him present
Jo. As I said, smoking has only disadvantages from my point of view, and who is to listen to the awakening of will – or not to begin at all – is actually self-defence when the body has enough.
“Yes, it’s really stupid” but it’s still a lot worse than what I’ve experienced. we do better
Jo, as I said, this is what I’ve always heard of smokers as a reason for smoking.
But hey, in my most stressful time, I started to chew nails and also thought that was relaxed. And there was no stuff like nicotine in the game.
I as a non-smoker can’t say if it really works like that or it’s imagination, but it doesn’t make sense to smoke.
Right, yeah.
What this is about relaxing… I wrote on “Information is also a need for education and education”
I can also relax very well without smoking and especially cheaper and then even longer
If I’d smoke every time, if I’d be annoyed by a customer at work, then I’d have days to smoke chains and that’s literally to take.
Yeah, that’s really stupid. There you are already away from it and start again with something that is only expensive and harmful… you can also relax differently, and this is really the only positive thing I have heard from smokers over cigarettes.
So it’s really absolutely devout.
That is what we must want, otherwise it will be
I also know it differently… stop or forget, “thanks” of a brain tumor. so almost cold withdrawal unvoluntarily and after 2.5 years it started again. How stupid you have to be
I don’t want to be wiser…but I want!!!:-D you didn’t challenge your question!;-) you have (m) & (w), but (d) not.not that it would affect me.
I (w) smoke about 10 – 50 zigaretten.I know,big spanning,but if I cove a bit,also with myself and I do 2 days through,then I smoke chain. 😀
the days after that are only 10/day when it comes up.lg
Uff, I hope that was Ironie 😀
Hello Sonic, 👋
for many years
Happiness 🍀 Non-smoker.🥳
It is very difficult with the
Stop smoking.
I got it after several attacks
only finally managedbecause I
Replacement started to steam.💨💨
I will not have the option:
“I smoke e-cigarettes (w)” selected,
because of e-cigarettes do not smoke can.
Cigarettes —> smoke —> smoke
E-cigarette —> Steam—> steam (vapen)💨
LG 🙋🏻
I don’t smoke.
It protects the wallet and is better for health.
Hello, Sonic1976.
I’m a smoker.
But my quota consists of only 8 cigarettes every day, and I think that, except for very few exceptions.
Greetings, Renate.
I’m a convinced non-smoker. Smoking is a risk factor for a bronchial/Larynx carcinoma, COPD and cardiovascular diseases. Cold smoke stinks. Luckily, smoking is forbidden in restaurants, otherwise you would still be spoiled when eating.
Only joints 😉
I smoked cigarettes from 17-23, but then I stopped.
Never smoked one before and I won’t.
Would never smoke anything
I sometimes smoke the head of the nonsense that some here spread absolutely unintentionally and ignorantly
Doesn’t it mean? Unthought and ignorant? Well, someone doesn’t write in unintentionally. Do not think that he is forced to write by his I:)
Can’t you be unintentional? I wonder!
In this context, this is correct, but according to yours, it means that it is pushed by itself whatever to write.
And what about the lottery numbers for next draw? => I would like to know that I don’t know it is unintentional! So I’m unintentional or not?
THAT already, but unintentional and ignorant certainly not ^
I’ve never been able to pick up some smoking.
I’m not smokers anymore.
Smoking’s been a long time.
The disadvantages override the advantages. I’m too young to get to cigarettes.
what benefits does smoking have?? That would interest me
The smokers I asked thought it was relaxing. And some would like to forego, but are too weak against dependence and stand for it.
Even those who depend on it do not always see what is positive in smoking.
I know that, my ex also smoked and whenever she was nervous she smoked her. Certainly, the center of escape in the brain is already scientifically proven. In my opinion, under “information is also ne education and education needs man”
Yes, I am pleased that you have to stop, otherwise it will be
But is also a really bad topic for ne discussion and quit discussing with smokers… I’ve been pampering over 20 years ago
I’ve never been active.
For about 40 years and this passionate.
I’ve never been before.
Smoking is stupid and the smokers usually know it themselves.
I’m pretty crash kid falling on 😅
Smoking is the dumbest thing you can do.
Iqos, Glo, sometimes real cigarettes, sometimes Elfbar but everything is only irregular. 😅
I haven’t smoked a single cigarette in my whole life and I have no desire for it. It hurts health, stinks and costs money.
Shisha and sometimes Vapes
I’ve never smoked.
I’m non-smoking and that’s good too
I smoke cigarettes, Shisha and E cigarettes. W
E – You can’t smoke cigarettes.
I know it’s steaming. But I don’t want to formulate everything individually, so I can smoke it together
It’s important to me because I’m steaming, but don’t smoke. That’s why I’m a non-smoking woman.
If the difference is not important to others, it’s okay and I don’t care.
And to what extent is this important? You know what he means. It’s enough.
I can’t.
Okay, that has nothing to do with “nose.” Steam cannot be smoked now, but only steam.💨💨
And smoke is not evaporated, but smoke is smoked.
But if the terms are completely unimportant, you can also say that you vaporize cigarettes… 💨💨💨😅 👋