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1 month ago

The statement is bullshit. You don’t have much money. And when you get into retirement, you’re in basic security.

An immigrant who is allowed to live and work here has the same demands and possibilities as everyone here.

1 month ago

This is the cheapest populism. Where does that come from? From an AfD swirl page?

If someone works 47 years and earns “only” average wage, gets more. So I don’t know what this man did.
And this statement that civil money brings more than minimum wage is cheap CDU and FDP populism and has been repeatedly refuted.

But yes, there’s something going wrong with the pension. But this is NOT due to the refugees or the unemployed. Money is there enough, but it’s being distributed wrongly.

1 month ago

What do you think you are after 47 years of work

Many years ago, the Federal Ministry of Labour once calculated how high the pension level will be in 2050.

Two things went through my head at that time.
a) then I have planning security.
(b) who comes to the idea of calculating something in a ministry? And how do you smuggle the results from the closed department?

The predictions have proved to be wrong after a few years. If a ministry cannot foresee such a period of time, how should the young people who are coming to the labour market (or are still at school) be able to assess?

And the statement in the picture…. well!
On the one hand, it is not wrong that immigrants can get more than pensioners. On the other hand, the part with “actually one would have…” is fucking short-sighted.
For if all those concerned had done this, ALG II would have been broken so many years ago that our social system would not be functional anymore. I would like to know how people would have liked to live on the insufficient social benefits and how they would then be able to earn even less pension in retirement age. Most people overlook this aspect.

1 month ago

If you earn minimum wages due to bad job, don’t get a pension over 2k.

1 month ago
Reply to  einandereruser

Just found on the pages of the DGB. Hard to sign as AFD Schwurbler page.

The new basic pension is based on the values for July 2024 after 45 years of work in full time, on the valid legal basisMinimum wageof 12.41 Euro, about 1.129 Euro pension (after social contributions). Without the basic pension, it would be only 884 euros.


If social contributions have already been deducted from EUR 1,264, this can be very good.