Wer von euch hat schon mal eine 4TB 2,5″ HDD erfolgreich an einem Multimedia Gerät mit USB 2.0 Anschluss ohne Netzteil betrieben?
Ja, in der Betreffzeile steckt im Grunde schon alles drin. Es geht um einen SAT Receiver mit REC Funktion und 3 x USB 2.0 Anschlüsse für den Anschluss von TV-Film Festplatten.
Jemand aus einem gemischten Hard- und Softwareforum hat es extra für mich getestet, am gleichen Receiver und sogar mit “Beweis-Fotos”. Doch der Bildausschnitt war nicht vollständig, der entscheidende Bereich bzgl. der Größe fehlte. Ich glaube ihm das, dass es sich um eine 4TB Platte gehandelt hat, doch glauben ist nicht wissen.
Zu viele Fehlkäufe säumen meinen Weg. Was meint ihr, möglich oder nicht ? Im Idealfall hat oder hatte jemand von euch diese Plattengröße schon mal erfolgreich ohne Netzteil betrieben.
USB2 delivers standardized only 500mA, many HDDs, even the 2.5″ variants, pull at least temporarily, safe when writing, more current. It would not be the first case that the USB port power supply switches off or even becomes defective.
What is decisive on the plate is for a maximum current. With more than 0.5A, the risk would be too great for me, it could cause irreparable damage to the multimedia device.
Update: With an SSD you would be better served, which usually draw less power.
Thanks for the warning. With the follow-up posting you recognize my knowledge very quickly. What you mean, I understand. What if I copy the films on a notebook, for example, to the 4TB plate, the receiver therefore needs to read “only”?
Would additionally be asked, and it is still only about reading, an external power supply contribute to the support so that the receiver does not take any damage? My movies go over everything, as for most of their smartphones. My Technisat ISIO STC is already 10 years old. Let’s see, maybe it’s time for a new one with USB 3.0 ports. But at first I ask for your answer concerning my questions.
An external power supply unloads the USB2 sockets in a defined way! I’d do that in any case. Writing draws more current, which does not mean that only reading consumes less than 0.5A, that can happen in case or not. This depends on the plate, you can’t say flat.
Also a PS. The Ampere indication was for me always a book with 7 seals, will pay attention from now on when I buy external devices for USB 2.0 ports.
Thank you very much. That’s enough for me as a final answer.
Here, for example, you will find a table above for example max. Power levels for the USB versions: