Wer von den Männer war schonmal beim Urologen oder Androloge?
Wenn ja,
Wie war es ?
Was wurde alles geguck/gemacht?
Muss man davor Angst haben?
Tut der Arzt immer 2 Finger in den Anus?
Wenn ja,
Wie war es ?
Was wurde alles geguck/gemacht?
Muss man davor Angst haben?
Tut der Arzt immer 2 Finger in den Anus?
Hallo liebe Community. ich habe jetzt schon seit längerem diesen kleinen Knubbel oberhalb des rechten Hodensacks. Er tut nicht weh, ich kann ihn ohne Probleme berühren oder ziehen. Ich habe im Internet gelesen, dass es ein Anzeichen für Hodenkrebs wäre, aber vielleicht ist es ja doch was anderes. Ich werde auf Urologen aussuchen, brauche grad…
Sind Schmerzmedikamente gut oder schlecht? Wofür braucht man Schmerzmedikamente? Braucht man Schmerzmedikamente für somatoforme Schmerzstörungen? Kann man an Schmerzmedikamenten sterben?
Hallo ich würde mir gerne Finger coils machen. Hab gestern versucht welche zu machen die nicht mal so schlecht ausgesehen haben halt eher weit da ich nicht so mega enge locken habe. Hab dafür Gail benutzt was nicht ganz so gut funktioniert hat da es meine haare nach unten zieht. Heute nach dem Schlafen sehen…
ihr habt eine halbe Stunde
Hallo Weiblich 32 Jahre 161 groß 79 Kilo Ich spüre bezüglich kann ein Puls bei mir im Bauch um den Nabel Tasten habe natürlich jetzt Angst wegen der Bauchschlagader Google spuckt gleich das schlimmste raus hat das jemand von euch auch LG Habe immer wieder mal Rückenschmerzen es heißt von Arzt Schädigung Hals Wirbelsäule Habe…
You don’t have to be afraid of the urologists. I’ve been going to my urologist for over 20 years and it’s always very easy. You give urine for the lab, or you get a blood sample to recognize the testosterone value, you get the foreskin pushed to the back to see if it works and finally you finger in the Po because of the prostate that was already. It’s okay.
I’ve been to the Urologen several times. There’s no reason to be afraid of it. Precaution is actually going to the Popo for the prostate.
What’s up with you?
Not yet 16 but would like to have a look at the urologist
If nothing is, don’t go. Let’s have a pediatrician (yes, pediatrician). He also accompanies public development as a youth doctor.
And if you get fingers in the anus you should be beforehand purifying anus from the inside that is no longer a sack
Sure, do whatever you want.
But can you do it?
For the first time when the pre-skin, also called Frenulum, is torn during sex. Now only almost every year to the Urologen for precaution. In the urologist, the residual urine in the bladder is measured with ultrasound. Evaluation of the urine sample and the prostate rectively scanned. All things that are completely harmless.
1.)Already with the urologist/andrologist from my 45 years of age every 2 years, since my 55 year of life.
2.)In all cases more relaxed how many think
3.)Sampling ultrasound of testicles, acorn, since I am trimmed, the doctor did not need to draw back any foreskin. Sono the prostate and scanning the same.
4.) Fear you don’t need to have at all. His health should be one of the values.
5.)Ob the doctor uses one or two fingers I can’t tell you because you can’t see it
My personal opinion
I (M44) never had a doctor: in a finger in the po. Not at the pattern, nor at the checkups at Uro
once with 40,
again for STI,
and then accompanying for thermal prevention.
Prostate was viewed with ultrasound. just because you don’t know if the gel is ice-cold (to which you are set) or warmed (I’m scared…)
Two weeks ago. Was much more relaxed than I feared. Pre-skin was checked. But there was also an ultrasound from the testicle. You don’t have to. And finger in po is a joke or something.
No. No joke. Scanning the prostate after enlargements by the anus. It’s more likely to be done with older men.
Aso. Maybe. But not with me.
Was an emergency. Had taken a lot of fluid to me. The prostate with which I never had a load was extremely swollen and prevented watering for almost one day. The bubble threatened to burst. I came to practice on the last pusher. There, a cat was pushed through the penis to drain the water. Had to carry a bag for 1 week. Was a doctor and an assistant! I didn’t care in my desperate situation!
If so,
How was it? Quite normal, clear at the bottom and the doctor looks at the penis, fore skin and testicles
What was everything looked after/made? pre-skin and made a smear by the urethra and the acorn/preskin.
At the 2nd time I was cut
Do you have to be afraid of it? No, you don’t need to be afraid
Does the doctor always do 2 fingers in the anus? I haven’t had this study yet
1 yes
2 not bad
3 sono prostate
4 with finger
5 hodense
6 front skin back u pre-set
How was it?
Wanted to know what I got
What was everything looked at/made?
Hoden and preskin controlled
Do you have to be afraid of it?
Does the doctor always do 2 fingers in the anus?
At 16 you should go to the J2 at the pediatrician….