Wer sollte die pille danach bezahlen?
Moin, bin mit meiner freundin seit 5 monaten zusammen und mussten schon 2 mal die pille danach kaufen. Würde gerne euer Meinung hören ob der mann die pille danach bezahlen sollte oder hälfte hälfte, bei der ersten pille habe ich es alleine bezahlt und bei der 2. auch aber da hat sie mir gesagt das wir hälfte hälfte machen sollen und hab auch dafür zugestimmt. Die erste pille danach war mitte märz, soll ich das auch nochmal ansprechen das wir das hälfte hälfte machen sollen, auch wenn es vor 3 monaten waren.
Wenn ihr irgendwelche fragen habt haut raus.
Half. As well as otherwise the prevention should be paid half a half. That’s the fairest thing. Better consider long-term good contraception. The pill after that is an absolute emergency medication
If you have a similar income, half-margin is only fair.
After all, you were both involved in sex and had to live with the consequences.
But honestly, please do better to prevent the pill from taking it regularly is anything but healthy. And also not 100% safe, otherwise you may have a child more quickly than you love.
Half-margins, after all, are both guilty and both involved. But after that, making a drama would be inappropriate. Basically, I think it’s okay if the man pays alone, after all, the woman carries the massive intervention in the hormone balance.
But to get to the frequency… Once can happen. Two times you’re negligent. A third time said you were stupid. Repeatedly, your contraception didn’t work. And you’re thinking more about who pays next time, instead of how it could happen and how to prevent it?
the first was just a preventive measure because we don’t really know if I came in or can’t remember that well
That’s why you’re trying! Or let it go with sex if you’re so immature!
PS: also lust drops can be sufficient.
all good 👍
Excuse me, I read it.
I had not read too many thoughts*.
Ignorier the comment.
What does that have to do with it?
You think about sex like you’re trying to prevent. Or at the latest after the first breakdown. Why don’t you think about how to prevent yourself?
First think, then v*geln. Even the first sex came pregnant and you can’t tell that you had never heard of condoms before…
I know the lust drop can be enough, but because we were still in the beginning with our sex life I have made too many thoughts
Half a half I think you made a mistake together. At your point, however, I would let myself be advised about a reasonable prevention if it took the pill so often after that
I’m for at least. 50/50, but tends to m more.
Why m more?
If you’re properly prevented, you don’t have to pay the pill after that.
There I would sit.
I’d be paying for the one who blew the contraception.
If he was too stupid to raise a condom right.
She, if she was unable to take the pill regularly.
I never discussed this.
Of course I’m responsible, of course I pay.
Why don’t you keep up? Things are not smarties.
Where do you read that they don’t prevent?
If you need the pill twice in three months, either do not prevent it or dilettanically.
and to your question, we have kept too double in the initial period and then only condom and now back and forth it means twice the pills but still use the condom in some cases
And then why this useless hormone bomb?
If it takes the pill correctly and without incidents, it is already very safe. In cases of doubt, the condom for securing it (which is already sufficient for correct application).
The pill then helps you nothing, on the contrary, it can put the effect of the normal pill out of force.
It’s good that you’re thinking now, and it’s not unusual that you have latent panic at the beginning of each sex.
But try to get some rest and routine. Much does not always help much and as said, the PD is not good for the body.
And to answer your initial question: 50/50 would be fair. :
Look for a way you both get along without panic. With some routine, you will also be more relaxed. Main thing, not negligence. :
We’ve done this right now that she starts with the pille again, but I’m not in her ejaculation, but out or with condom because we find it safer than when I ejaculate in it.
Thank you.
at the moment with the pills, but we have done so that I can get out of it or come with condom in it because we find this safer than when I get into it
And this is an unnecessary burden for your girlfriend’s body. The amount of hormones in the pill thereafter corresponds approximately to the amount of MONATS packing of the normal pill. And can bring the female cycle together for months. With some knowledge of their cycle and proper enlightenment you can avoid such “preventions”. The PD is an NOTFALL medication, not a goodie against uncertainty.
How do you prevent it?
So the first time was just a preventive measure because we both didn’t know if it was happening or not, but I think because that was also the beginning times I made too much head of myself
I agree fully.