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Because I don’t feel it as a necessity and want to keep some rite
Do not participate in any rituals of any sects.
It was decided this year
I don’t like it so well
You get enough things under the year. You’re gonna get out of there for Christmas without a store.
Yes but it is Christmas 😐
We in the family. Because we find money doof and otherwise buy ourselves what is needed.
Don’t. Parents dead, uncommon among friends.
I don’t know who.
You could give something to those in need.
Your mom.
Your favorite assistant, the toilet plaster at mcces, nem penner at the station
You can always give something to someone, don’t do so on anti-social
I don’t have family anymore and strangers don’t give me anything
Last of his kind? 200 years frozen in the ice… all relatives have long passed away?
Because I don’t celebrate Christmas?
Too bad, but Christmas is the feeling… not religion
When Coca-Cola plays the red fat bag spot in tv with melancholic Christmas music…then is Christmas!
Bin Agnostiker – and think Christmas is an invention to make money. I see that not only children are happy in Christmas, but especially wholesale and retail (even more than children).
Gifts can be made all year round. Spend time together and be good to each other – not only at Christmas.
Thank you and greetings
Yes, but with “smoothed on the Christmas market” glowing wine and dancing plush animals at Galerie Kaufhof are only available at Christmas.
Grinch wg grinchism