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Old names are completely in the trend again, I personally don’t think the name is so great, but in principle nothing speaks about it.
You shouldn’t always think of evil…
I wouldn’t do that, but my child wouldn’t call Kevin either
Either politically misguided persons or those in whose families the name has a tradition. Don’t have to be the call name.
Or if the possible bonus is called Adolf.
The child has to run around with the name. He’s poisoned. I wouldn’t want to hurt my kid.
We wouldn’t. But I have a long-time colleague named Adolf. However, this is his family name, the first name is Max.
The name is not forbidden, and only because a psychopath has been, it does not mean that other psychopaths will follow.
That’s right, you can’t ban everything that can be associated with the NS time. Otherwise, Albert, Rudolf, Hermann and many more things would have to be banned.
Hi, Onlyhim2828. 😊
There are still some.
It doesn’t even have to have a political background.
Greetings, Renate. 😊
The name may soon be banned just as the pointing of Salvation, certain street names and ethnic names, the statement that there are only two sexes, the refusal of gender and much more.
Please prove your claims.
Germany is in the “Green Name Break”, as everyone knows.
This has nothing to do with this issue.
Please provide evidence for a German ethnicity, which, for example, clearly borders on the borders of the country.
Nope, get ned in question! I don’t like the name
I don’t know
or Eva‽
Who does that? Especially not as a German 🤣
As a German? You mean “ethnic” German?
If you can’t or have anything else, you’re at least ethnically German. How poor.
There are no ethnic Germans, because there are many German ethnicities.
There are 3 main ethnic groups in Europe: novels, Germans and Slavs. West Slavs, such as Poland and Czechs, are very art-related and mixed with Germanic subethnics, such as Westphalia and Saxony.
For you from me. Nevertheless, there is no German ethnicity.
Africa is a continent, NO country. There is nothing like that. If you think all Africans are the same ethnic group, although they are not, all Europeans would have to be the same ethnic group.
For me, the look counts. And nothing else. I’m staying German. Even if I emigrate to China or Africa.
There were long Celtic tribes in today’s Germany, as well as Romans and Gauls (which were also Celts). I they all have genetically left their traces. So, please consider the existence of a German ethnicity based on scientific sources.
Ethnic French people also look clearly different from ethnic Germans. More romantic- Celtic-gallish. And no. I don’t choose green.
There is nothing to do with a German ethnicity. Thus, all white Europeans would be German and part of the same ethnicity. It’s not like that.
So where are your scientific evidence of the existence of a German ethnicity?
And you happen to be politically green?
My evidence is my eyes. For example, I can distinguish brown and white.
This has nothing to do with faith, and tell me Tatscahen. So, please consider the existence of a German ethnicity.
If you think it’s okay. But no one is allowed to impose his faith on others.
Yes, because ethnologists deal with ethenia and know each other. There is no German ethnicity.
That’s what ethnologists say.