Wer muss efeu entsorgen?

Von dem nachbaGrundstück wächst efeu an unserer Hauswand hoch…nach Aufforderung das efeu abzuschneiden meinte er, das er das efeu nicht gepflanzt hätte..sondern wohl unsere Vorfahren..Wer muss das efeu entsorgen?

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6 years ago

aside from the fact that I would let him grow – I like efeu on the wall – and that it is the efeu and not the efeu hot … – is this a few shoots or about 100 square meters of wall?

Speak, it is worth the dispute to simply cut off a few branches (then it is also nix that can be billed and it is sufficient as a justification for §910 BGB (https://dejure.org/gesetze/BGB/910.html) also not: there are roots and branches of trees and shrubs, not about vines… – so to a certain extent is already a matter of interpretation… (Efeu is a wood, but he is not a tree and IMHO is not a shrub…)

3 years ago

I find such neighbors have no character.

If I plant something, I’ll take care of it.

And because of Efeu, I wouldn’t put the neighborhood at stake.

I have other neighbors and my apple tree also grows a bit over and I cut back regularly to not stress the neighbors and I think that feels better than if the neighbor can’t sleep because of this

6 years ago

His stuff can’t grow over to you.

Besides, this is his stuff when it grows on his plot, it doesn’t matter who had planted it.

6 years ago

Everyone has to get rid of the stuff that grows from his plot to another. Whoever planted it doesn’t matter, but only who owns the property. You can ask him to remove this and have to give him permission to enter your property. If he does not comply with this request in a reasonable time, you may also remove it yourself and charge it with the costs provided that they have occurred. You may even be able to make him liable for damage to your wall.

6 years ago
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