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Many swear on Konnopke, others on Krasselt ́s.
Konnopke, Krasselt ́s and Curry 36 are probably the most well-known, but there are several smaller buds that have the same good or better curry sausage, but they did not get such a cult status.
I personally find Curry 36 on average, at least not much better than Krasselt ́s. But there are also plenty of people who find it quite terrible.
In principle, however, there is often no difference in the sausages in Berlin because they often come from the same meat shop. The difference then only makes the sauce and/or the curry seasoning mix that comes on top.
I think that’s really bad about what’s often sold in the province as an alleged curry sausage. This is even beaten by most average unknown buds in Berlin.
Curry 66 is good there are sauces up to 13 million scruvvile.
MyCurrywurst is another good the best I know (:
Furnace Mönkebergstraße/Jungfernstieg Hamburg with the best curry sauce in Germany. (Here Cola comes in)
jana curry36