Wer lebt an der Grenze zu Polen oder Tschechien? Kann man sparen, wenn man über die Grenze fährt?

Autoreparaturen, Frisöre, Ärzte, Lokale?

Oder ist der Preisunterschied viel zu klein?
Ich habe an der schweizer Grenze gelebt, und da waren wir “die Günstige”, die Schweizer haben bei uns richtig viel eingekauft und Dienstleistungen bekommen.
Geht es auch andersrum?

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1 year ago

Whatever it is worth is petrol and cigarettes. But also vegetables are partly cheaper. The previous owner of my house also bought all the cleaning agents I haven’t looked yet, have many supplies from the past.(Poland)

And the previous owners also bought the Geranies for the farm (but in Germany they don’t cost much less and I’d rather overwinter the above).(Poland)

Restaurants tend to be cheaper.

In the case of auto repairs, I would have some difficulties with the language, so I don’t know.

In other things, I don’t know exactly, but I have to go to Czech for “hruba mouka” (handy flour).

I have the choice, and most of them go to Poland.