Wer kontrolliert ob ein Motorrad auf 48ps Gedrosselt ist wie oft und wo?

Meine Frage steht ja schon oben jetzt noch ein paar Einzelheiten ich habe for meine Gasanschlag Drossel auszubauen das würde doch niemand mitkriegen ich habe bis jetzt nur roller auf diesem Prüfstand gesehen und könnte mir nicht vorstellen das man das bei einem Motorrad macht was glaubt ihr

Ich brauche keine Leute die mir sagen wie gefährlich oder illegal das ist das weiß ich nämlich schon selber

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5 years ago

Regularly every 2 years -> HU.

Irregular in any traffic control. Turn on the gas handle once and it is clear that the throttle is removed.

What then comes -> § 21 StVG.

5 years ago

This is not somehow checked at regular intervals….


In case of reasoned suspicion and if the accident occurred.

It can happen that the police don’t believe it, take you to the Tüv and then he has all the time to watch the world whether a throttle is installed.

This is exactly how it behaves after an accident, you in the hospital and no time to install the choke, motorcycle beating and at the expert….

True to the motto “who seeks to find it”

My tip…. come out with the 48Ps and let you say it’s long for a highsider;)

5 years ago

ignorance does not protect from punishment, since you know it is purpose.

If you haven’t noticed, you’ll announce a crime before. If you cause a serious accident, and the judge and the prosecutor think that your social media should be taken into account, what happens again and again, they will also find this question here. There are plenty of examples that have happened, you can find in the media.

Have a good time explaining, apologising and then carry your punishment like a real man. Do whatever you think you have to do, but don’t even announce it publicly.

Drossle your inconsistency, CONTROL YOU OR YOU WILL CONTROL!

By means of conditions/ punishment or coercion.

You have the freedom to decide, they have the power to make it clear to you.

Only my opinion is not system-relevant but honest!

5 years ago

This, for example, checks every 2 years of the TÜV during the due main examination if necessary.

5 years ago

An accident with personal injury can happen at any time, even without your fault, the vehicles are secured and checked, then you belong to the cat.

5 years ago

So with us in front of school, they put everything on such a test stand.

5 years ago
Reply to  Schrank1999

But an A2 machine certainly not there is a power measurement and no speed measurement….