Wer kennt sich mit MDMA aus?
Ich habe MDMA schon genommen und kenne mich eigentlich damit aus, aber ich habe eben von Donnerstag auf Freitag 4 Pillen (genug zeitlicher Abstand), je ca. 350 mg. Hab dann schon gemerkt, dass es etwas viel war. Denkt ihr wenn ich heute 1 Pille nehme, dass man das überhaupt merkt? Habe komischerweise dieses Mal überhaupt keine schlechte Stimmung oder so…
MDMA acts via body-specific neurotransmitter. In particular serotonin is thereby discharged into masses. However, the body does not have any amount of it available. It’ll take time to get new. If too often too much is taken, not only does the effect disappear, but the risks also increase greatly.
General information about the typical effects and side effects as well as the risks associated with consumption can be found here:
If the pills really contain 350 mg mdma, it is really not recommended to take 4 of them 😅
I’m sure you’ll notice what’s not as much as after the first pill…
You don’t know how to worry about it, you can go for weeks when you’re ballering more often…
Yeah, I think so.
But only two days after consumption?
Yes, but have holidays and don’t do it often
You didn’t even get over 1,5g of MDMA behind the band before 48h, your poor neurotransmitter xD
If you take it too short, the effect will weaken…
Jaa, that’s true:/
Will be significantly reduced as well, please spare your brain and body after such a disgusting amount of MDMA
Has already his reasons why you should take MDMA only 3-4 times in YEAR