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2 years ago

Once again, you can see what a quark comes out when Google displays any badly translated pages. I must admit that I had enormous difficulties in understanding at the beginning.

The moraines belong to the Aal-like. That’s why I first assumed that you mean Power masonry (Gymnothorax favagineus), which has a pattern reminiscent of a leopard and also in English Leopard moray eel name.

What you mean is sure Siren reticulata. This kind actually becomes in English leopard eel, so called to German Leopardaal. Aalen has nothing to do with, but with the amphibians. Siren reticulata belongs to the genus Sirene within the Sirenidae family. You can’t translate it with Sirene in German. This means sea cows (Sirenia), water-living mammals related to elephants.

The word Sirene comes from the Latin, which in turn relies on the Greek word Σειρήν, (Seirḗn) refers. This is the name for the sirens. In Greek mythology were the sirens mermaids who led seafarers into their ruins with their singing. The nautical cows are named after the sirens, because they were considered to be the same. In Latin can the word Sirene but also quite simply means “molch” and that naturally makes much more sense for the Sirenidae. In German, these rags are appropriately called Armmolche because they only possess their front legs; the rear member dimensions are completely reproduced. Literally translated Siren reticulata in German are called net-armmolch.

Siren reticulata it is not 2018 described as a new kind. Ready 1975 However, it had been noticed that the described population differs from the other two species of the genus Sirene so far that it may represent an independent kind.

The giant sirens when you Greater sirena is an independent way, Sirena lacertina. In German it is called the kind but better big armmolch or giant armmolch.

2 years ago

There is no information about when Leopardenaale was first discovered