Wer kennt ein sehr günstiges Zimmer zum Übernachten in Hamburg?

Suche ein Einzelzimmer für mich alleine in Hamburg Stadt (Innenstadt/Innenstadtnähe).

Über die Suchmaschinen wird man immer zu den immer gleichen teuren Anbietern weitergeleitet. z.B. Köder im Internet zZmmer 14 Euro, draufgeklickt Zimmer kostet auf einmal 190 Euro, 14 Euro Zimmer gibt es garnicht.

Habe bis auf das Einzelzimmer keine Qualitätsansprüche.

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1 year ago

I don’t know myself in Hamburg. But if I would like to visit Hamburg, I would first go over this page: https://www.preiswert-uebernachten.de/hotel-pensionen/hamburg/788

If anything happens to me, I would look at the selected accommodation on Tripadvisor or Booking.com based on the reviews. If I liked the accommodation afterwards, I would try to contact them privately. Private is still cheaper than through booking machines.

Good luck and success – all good

1 year ago

Super 8 by Wyndham offers a single room for 50 euros for the night when you book for February 2024. However, if it should be soon, the same room will cost 148 euros in September. So it’s hard to recommend if you don’t know when it is.

1 year ago
Reply to  NichtBehindert

If you found cheap, why do you even ask? And what does this mean? I already told you that it depends on the period. As my example clearly shows. Because you’re not willing to limit that accordingly, you’re best looking for the date you’re going forward.

1 year ago

And yes, the example should make it clear to you that it is cheap and costly and depends on the date. I didn’t say I thought the room was good in September. In February