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I rarely need them, and actually only for cosmetics.
In food, I know myself enough without an app.
A beautiful 2nd Advent desired!
Thank you. And thanks for the star!
It was also the only answer to the question.
I have only recently used them, and for the most part because of cosmetics and skincare products. But maybe I’ll use them back and forth for food.
I find the app really great as it also displays healthier/better alternatives!
In addition, I am truly shocked by how many harmful and/or controversial ingredients are actually stuck in many products – and this is what you always think here in Germany “what is being closely controlled” …
I don’t know.
Who recommended you?
Your friend? Or your nutritionist from Grophiusstadt?
And does it also contain basic needs, wishes and leisure as categories?
You ask the important questions.
And the right 👍
Nice. I’ll install.
Already done?
🤣 – I don’t need an app to feed me healthy!
This is an app to scan products when shopping at the supermarket!
If the app is honest, it will not classify an industrially processed product as “healthy” and also no unprocessed foods that are loaded with pesticides etc. That’s why I don’t need an app to feed healthy.
I need help for everything.
That’s a pity and I wish you a little better in the future.
I can’t do it alone.
Then it’s all good!
My supervisor is nice and cares for everything.
Of course, that’s not nice, but doesn’t change anything about whether a food is healthy or not.
Processed foods are not healthy and foods with pesticide residues or the like are not healthy. If you want to eat healthy, you just avoid it completely.
Because I’m not physically and mentally healthy? And spiritually
I don’t see why they have anything to do with whether a food is healthy?
Because of my illnesses and disabilities?
Well, he can do that, but that doesn’t change what’s healthy and what’s not.
My supervisor will explain everything to you about my disabilities and diseases.