Wer kann ausrechnen wie viel ich für meine Krankenkassenversicherung nachzahlen werden muss (siehe unten)?
Laut meinem Steuererklärungsprogramm werde hatte ich für das Jahr 2021 Einnahmen in Höhe von 16.777€. Dort wurde mir auch ausgerechnet wie viel steuern ich zahlen werden muss und zwar genau 1.300€
So wie sieht es aus mit der Krankenkassenversicherung? Ich war letztes Jahr komplett über meine Familie krankenversichert (über meinen Vater). Das muss ich ja melden oder? Weil den Betrag von 470€ im Monat hab ich ja überschritten? Wie viel werd ich nachzahlen müssen? (Schätzungsweise)
The question is whether we have to pay for something at all.
The KK must make a prognosis (e.g. on the basis of the tax ruling of the previous year) – but this must ultimately not be true – if this does not apply then, no retroactive contribution must be required, since family insurance is then cancelled only from the following month of the tax decision.
Landessozialgericht Baden-Württemberg (LSG) with Urt. v. 14.02.2020, Az. – L 4 KR 2701/17
It is then necessary to reimburse the contribution for self-employed persons, some supplements, if necessary. Damage compensation, if applicable, also follows a criminal complaint…
I’ve never been given a tax order because I’ve never given a tax return before. But this time I have to do it. For the year 2021 to be exact. There I earned 3777€ from my minijob + crypto profits worth 13,000€ (private sale business). So I’m insured with family insurance through my father. What will happen? I didn’t tell them anything. I haven’t even given the tax return for 2021, so I don’t even get a tax decision yet…
May I, legally speaking with the income I had in 2021, be family insurance or not?
No, you can’t, because the average is determined and you have over 470,– Euro/month with your income. It is insignificant from which sources income comes. Income is subject to compulsory contributions as soon as the conditions for free family insurance expire. You would have had to actively inform the health insurance company – so the above-mentioned verdict does not apply. On the basis of your information, the health insurance company would have classified it. If you then make an income tax statement, you submit it, if it is there, and the KK checks whether the classification has been made at the right level, if necessary you get something back or pay.
Krypto – this is something new – here is a few more unclear…
For example, a proceeding at the Bundesfinanzhof is whether these revenues are taxable at all (so far: holding period 1 year – then the revenues would be tax-free anyway) – therefore, if the tax ruling comes, opposition should be filed and referenced to the current procedure.
As far as the KK is concerned, you should contact the KK in order to inform them about the income – whether it can be reclaimed retroactively, you must wait and it would be a lawyer, if necessary.
I have learned today that the revision was withdrawn at the BFH – that is, it remains in the opinion of the financial courts that the income is taxable.
But there’s a BMF writing now:
https://www.bundesfinanzMinistry.de/Content/DE/Downloads/BMF_Writing/Controls/Income Tax/2022-05-09-Single questions-token.html
Thank you
The average is determined and you have over 470,– Euro/month with your income. It is insignificant from which sources income comes. Income is subject to compulsory contributions as soon as the conditions for free family insurance expire. You would have had to actively inform the health insurance company – so the above-mentioned verdict does not apply. On the basis of your information, the health insurance company would have classified it. If you then make an income tax statement, you submit it, if it is there, and the KK checks whether the classification has been made at the right level, if necessary you get something back or pay.
At 16777,– : 12= 1398,08 Euro/month. At AOK, for example, it looks like this:
Your annual contribution:3.128,88€
Your monthly contribution:260,74€
195.73 KV without entitlement to sickness benefit (14.0%)
22.37 Additional contribution, here 1.6%
42, 64 nursing insurance if you are under 23 years old, otherwise 47,53 and thus total:
Your annual contribution:3.187,56€
Your monthly contribution:265.63€
What happens if I just don’t know how high is the probability that the health insurance company will notice or show me at some point. Would I get the ad or my father? It’s about him.
And what about a student rate, I’m a student, would my monthly contribution be lower?
If you are a registered student, work less than 20 hours a week, you can insure yourself as a student – also retroactive. Your father must sign the annual family insurance questionnaire. Knowing that you’ve earned more than the free allowance for free family insurance, he’s obviously making false statements. If the social service provider has also suffered economic damage due to incorrect or incomplete information, services have thus been disbursed wrongly, there is no more mere violation of order, but a criminal offence is already considered, namely fraud in accordance with § 263 of the German Civil Code. Since you are full-year, you should have actively reported yourself, so not your father is the one who is concerned but you. My recommendation: log in to the health insurance company, indicate that last year you had this income, ask for you to enter the KVdS retroactively, then you can see that you pay the balance of contributions directly and then pay the current contributions. If you don’t do this, the health insurance will report it to the university for more than 2 months and you will be exmatricated. Not so good, right?
Don’t wait too long.
Thank you. I’ll discuss this with my father first and let me be advised.
From the wrist: nix, you are insured.
Well, I can’t be insured anymore about family insurance, can I? Because I’ve earned too much revenue?
Call the cash register. Or the insurance company.