Wer ist verantwortlich für Gartenpflege vom Mietshaus?
Ich habe in Thailand ein Ferienhaus gemietet von einem Deutschen. Dieser möchte nun Geld für die Gartenpflege zuzüglich der Miete. Im Mietvertrag steht das ausschließlich die Mieträume und Stellplatz für Auto Mietsache sind. Der Garten ist nicht Bestandteil des Mietvertrages. Wer ist nun für Gartenpflege verantwortlich?
At a holiday home you cannot ask the tenant to cultivate the garden, because he wants to recover and make excursions to sights.
If you have rented it for a long time, not only for two or three weeks, but live there quasi, then you are already responsible for the change.
You can then design it as it is true for you in the rental phase. At the time of handover, however, he must look again as you took him.
Unless the landlord finds your design beautiful and dispenses with the reconstruction of it.
As a holiday guest, this looks like in a hotel, you come with your suitcases, someone gives you the keys and shows you just everything and after that, you can return the key to this person.
It is common with apartments that you have the choice to make the final cleaning yourself or to hand it over to the landlord against extra money. However, this never includes gardening.
Clearly the landlord and that would he normally even if the garden is part of the lease (and contractually nothing else would be agreed) if the house were in Germany, but in Thailand this may be different.