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The present state is a conglomerate of various exogenous and indoctural factors:
The Lebanese Civil War, which was dead since 1975 and even led to an invasion of Israeli troops in 1982 to smash local terrorist organizations, as well as various escalations between Lebanon and Israel, for example 2006, have devastated the country in terms of internal politics and economics and promotes ethnic conflicts:
But also a completely corrupt political elite bears the guilt that is not interested in the concerns of the population, as well as their security needs… recognizable in the explosion in Beirut in summer 2020. After all, the civilian population is united, ethnic and religious issues are being protested together.
My question is whether the religious political system has destroyed the country. Should I also look at the whole system not only the Porpoz system
In the case of Lebanon, the unique political system has promoted intra-social peace, even if democratic beauty mistakes are not overlooked.
I didn’t illuminate economic factors, but I must admit that my expertise ends here.
Why did he promote him and what beauty mistakes do they mean?
I need a 1
– Civil war
-Islam underpresented
-powerful families
Corruption and Savior Law
iran and syria
Lebanon itself. Heis his politician.
People are actually completely all right.
The corrupt leadership pot…
What exactly do they mean?
The ruling class.
The Arabs