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I find it inappropriate to try to put such dictators in a ranking list. It is not possible to measure caused suffering.
And with regard to the procedure and brutality, the two do not take much.
Finally, it is about preventing this in the future. Both options are the same. Nor will the victims be interested in whether they were murdered under Stalin or Hitler. Not because life has an infinite value, it also brings nothing to compare numbers with each other, precisely because different dictators also had different means and do not always move in the same order of magnitude.
And I believe that one must also bear in mind that from a certain degree there is no “small than” more, but that one can put such serious crimes against humanity at one level despite individual consideration.
Sensual question because who was killed by a dictator does not ask how nasty the other would have been.
He has made a lot of bad to my home 😢
Both were bad
Hitler is the worst person who has ever existed, or something.
Good people kill others of justice.
No, this price definitely goes to Pol Pot
This is also bullshit hit ler thought yes he does the right thing
Stalin would have caused a similar holocaust as Hitler, he would not have died in 1953.
Mao Zedong is coming before Stalin, the ex-bank robber and company blackmailer.
Such a “list of evil” is difficult, but here it has tried one by the human sacrifices.
This list is as if hit ler is responsible for 19 million dead hit ler is responsible for the 2nd World War and thus for 55-80 million dead one also knows the sacrifices not exactly
If you know better, why do you ask the “ignorant” community?
Mao has caused an estimated 60 to 80 million deaths without war with his human experiments.
Adolf Hitler the whole dead of the 2nd. It’s a little bit workable.
They’ve been dead for a long time.