Wer ist noch ein heavy metal freak?
Stehe voll auf heavy metal!! Habe auch ne heavy metal Band namens horus! Wer ist hier alles heavy metal fan ?
Stehe voll auf heavy metal!! Habe auch ne heavy metal Band namens horus! Wer ist hier alles heavy metal fan ?
Die Songs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WYeDsa4Tw0c Conquest of paradise und https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8a-HfNE3EIo Chariots of fire zählen wohl zu den bekanntesten der Gruppe. Welcher dieser beiden gefällt dir besser und warum?
Hey ich bin 13 und spiele trompete seit ich ca 9 bin. In letzter Zeit ist irgendwas anderes denn ich war mal total gut in höheren tönen doch jetzt nicht mehr, aber das ist egal. Mein Lehrer sagt „du machst deinen hals zu und strengst dich zu sehr an“ FRAGE: Wie mache ich meinen hals…
Du hattest nie Angst vor meinen Dämonen Weiß du eigentlich Weißt du eigentlich, was dass bedeutet? Du hast es gesehen! “Etwas an mir” “Etwas an mir” was so wertvoll ist. Meine wahre Schönheit Hat dir nie Angst gemacht.
Ich liebe Suicide Silence (nur mit Mitch Lucker) über alles….. aber höre es immer nur über Kopfhörer seit xx Jahren Meine Frage ist, an die menschen da draußen ob ihr diese musik: Suicide Silence oder z.b. auch Slipknot (also lautere, härtere Musik) auch laut auf Boxen hört Weil ich habe es nie, also jetzt seit…
🤘…but questions?
I am mostly music consumer and metal is simply the favorite genre. Occasionally I also go to concerts, but as active as I used to be, I am no longer.
I was very active with 17 to 20 (which is 20 years ago). I was a member of 2 metal clubs, had held several concerts with them and brought out a fanzine together with nem buddy. Of course, I was a lot on my way in the local scene.
There’s already a band called Horus… Not that you’re getting problems with names.
Having discovered it for me since the latest, from Hard Rock to Alternative, I then landed with grain, slipknot, SOAD, Limp Bizkit… LIEBS!
Wish you a lot of success with your band!
Previously was right inside, but now I still hear my old favorite hits!
Can you hear from your band?
I’m a full cannon metal fan. For example, I devour the “Big 4 of Thrash Metal”, Pantera, Slipknot, Children of Bodom, Type O Negative, Cradle of Filth, Opeth, Death, Necrophagist, Angela, Sepultura,… so full pipe metal fan!
The predominant part of my collection is Metal and most concerts were also Metalgigs.
I would say that I like Heavy Metal in his many ways 🙂
I’m a very big metal fan. Currently preferred heavy-power, Pagan and folk metal. But also in the directions Symphonic, Melodeath or Thrash.
What is pagan metal? I only know heavy, trash speed metal.
I’m bad in explaining, so I’ll link you to the Wikipedia article.
Was I (maybe for you) never, built in 1971! I grew up with it, of course! However; always wanted to become sooooo like drummers! I could have killed myself, probably, very well!
I play in my band e- guitar 🎸! I think it’s an excalibur from Fender.
Can you show me a video of a performance from you? Then I know if it is “good”; for me, of course!
You know! The time will come into which we become really famous!
Then it may also be difficult to become known…!?🤷
Ne ! Unfortunately not! Had an ancient Nokia phone c7 where the video quality was not top.
So there is no video of a performance or sample training!?🤔
We are still looking for a sponsor who sponsors our performances!
I’m METAL fan. And Metal includes Heavy Metal, Black Metal, Thrash Metal, Speed Metal, Death Metal, Alternative Metal, Doom Metal, NU Metal, Hardcore, Metal Core, Gothic Metal, Power Metal, Glam Metal and…
When I was young, I had a heavy metal phase…
Listen, of course, still regular metal, but not exclusively!
“Freak” … < naja!? o_O ... So DAMALS isn't that way anymore! However, have all the tour and festival shirts removed from time ... have certainly 40-50 t-shirts in the closet! :) < < < < < < < < many of them are signed and therefore I have never worn them!
Is ja mega nice!!!