Wer ist nicht beschnitten, trägt aber die Eichel unbedeckt?
Einige Bekannte von mir, von denen ich weiß, dass sie nicht beschnitten sind, tragen trotzdem mehr oder weniger ständig ihr Eichel frei. Zum Teil ist es anerzogen oder anatomisch bedingt (sehr kurze Vorhaut) oder hat andere Gründe.
Mich würde interessieren, bei wem auch die Eichel unbedeckt ist (ob gewollt oder ungewollt), welche Ursache das hat oder was der Ausschlag war, wenn es freiwillig gemacht wird. Was war der Grund dafür (Tradition, Erziehung oder anderes)? Wie alt wart ihr als ihr damit angefangen habt und wie alt seid ihr heute. Fühlt ihr euch wohl mit der frei liegenden Eichel und könnt ihr das weiterempfehlen, zum Beispiel als Alternative zur Beschneidung?
I’ve been wearing meien foreskin for a little, on request of my parents and doctors, as I had a tendency to pimosis. Of course she never stayed back long, except vaguely when I was naked and I was home often.
With 13 my foreskin got used to stay back for a longer time after two wax-tuning strokes and “non-growing Vh”, which then covered only a maximum of 2/3 of the acorn, but also remained longer as mentioned.
So I wore it “over” from there, back until I was 15 and then a gold ring made sure that it remained too bad, because I liked it better and also felt comfortable, in addition, the women’s world was very important.
But with 18 he had become too close to one, and for the other, “him” of every kind was not allowed at the army. 🙁
So off, but my foreskin stayed back for about a 1/2 year, then she went over again, though only half.
Later when I married, my wife liked the mere acorn better and so I used to carry it back, partly with the help of a silicone ring. That’s how I got back years of the foreskin until after the divorce…
From there I had them so and sometimes so, mostly she suffered from herself when my penis grew up somewhat no matter whether naked or dressed, whereby I always pulled my fore skin back naked for little because I felt so much more comfortable and it was also raised to prevent the phimosis. as well as peeing, etc. Leave Vh back and back…
A few years ago, I began to carry my foreskin back more or less constantly, to one because it feels great and to the more my neurodermitis beat again and that was also there, so I hardly had anything to do with it!
1 1/2 years ago, I then let the pre-skin ribbon be cut through, so the pre-skin remains constantly, which feels good!
But I like my foreskin without what would be missing and my partner would have nix to play :-))
My son was also accustomed to withdrawing from us from small and in puberty his penis also woke, the foreskin less and so she only covered half the acorn with 14 years so that he left it back from 14 and since then has been wearing it for 14 years, his acorn grew so that the foreskin remains and even you hardly get over it!
Your interesting and informative answer deserves the star!
Oh thank you very much:-)
Back, but unintentional. She’s been short and accurate since advanced puberty and always curses back. At some point, I’ve abandoned them to go forward.
Look forward to it and be satisfied, it also has advantages and looks good.
You know, that makes me feel the same desensitization that meets the circumcisions. Yeah, looks good. It has no other advantages.
Subjectively obvious, yes.
In the case of a view
I’ve done this for years. Day and night. Optically better than the zip hat.
Fand it great and always wanted to be circumcised. At the middle of 30 it finally happened. I like that even better. Visually and from a sense of life.
Hey 🤗
So with me, the foreskin is too short and cannot completely cover my acorn. It then rolls back directly through the acorn shape, or often simply remains behind the acorn. I can’t say when it’s been with me. At some point in puberty, it must have happened. It also happened in some way “smoothing”. I didn’t get that straight. My acorn was more and more used to friction in the boxershorts etc. Now my acorn has a very pale color in the slept state, similar to those in circumcised men. Often only in an erection my acorn becomes purple. 2017/2018 this has sometimes disturbed me because I like purple acorns very much (bin bi) and I wanted my color not to lose, but since I then accepted that I can’t change it, I found myself more and more with it. Now I like my penis exactly as it is fifa️
When I was still talking, I left her back regularly when I came to the primary school. Why I don’t know, it never told me to do it or something… it stayed behind when I didn’t make it forward and I didn’t do it before, sometimes for days not leave it back in front of and at the next toilet or something. Because she didn’t slip off alone, she always stayed where I left her.
And how are you wearing them today?
I’m not wearing them anymore.
She’s completely gone.
I’m wearing my acorn mostly. Can control this very well, as the foreskin holds back behind the acorn.
Rarely, she slips forward. I’ve been conscious of this for 10 years.
Until then the acorn was not free.
I like the free feeling and also the contact with the “environment”. In addition, you feel so naked.