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4 years ago

This is difficult to answer, because the way of life of the two species is quite different. Lions live in an open grassland, but most tigers live in the rainforest. the challenges are different, and the tiger is a single-goer, but the lion is a pack. For this reason, different parameters must be set for an intelligence assessment in order to meet the whole. Example. in the list, the tiger should be superior to the lion, but the latter has a higher social intelligence.

4 years ago

After new research and also test, tigers are smarter than lions. Tigers have a 16 % larger brain than lions even if you take into account the body size. You can compare the size of the brain only with related species. Predatory experts working with animals also repeatedly confirm that tigers are wiser than lions.

4 years ago

Theory of social life as a “superposition” for larger brains.Tigerhave a bigger brain thanLionsleopards and jaguars. This has resulted in a study by British researchers. In this way, they refute the theory that a social way of life, such as theLionspromoting brain growth.

so I think the tiger is smart

4 years ago


Both of these are very intelligent and smart animals. Which one of these cats is smarter can’t be said.

Love Greetings Lilly

4 years ago

Both are very intelligent.

4 years ago

I’m smarter than lion and tiger together!

4 years ago
Reply to  Blitz987

If you’re proud of it, it’s not a sign of intelligence.