Wer ist höher bei der Feuerwehr?
Welcher Rang bei der Feuerwehr ist höher, der Einsatzleiter oder der Gruppenführer?
Welcher Rang bei der Feuerwehr ist höher, der Einsatzleiter oder der Gruppenführer?
Ich habe heute am Bahnhof 2 große Wagen der Feuerwehr und 1Rettungswagen gesehen. Was könnte passiert sein.
Hallo zusammen, ich würde gerne neben meinem Beruf als Freelancer im Bereich Programmierung tätig sein. Kann mir jemand sagen wie und was ich genau beim Steueramt angeben muss? Herzlichen Dank und freundliche Grüsse Primo
Habe morgen meinen ersten Arbeitstag in einer Bäckerei, ich bediene keine Kunden sondern backe und fülle auf, was sollte ich da morgen anziehen?
Bin noch nicht lange da und Fehler, die ich mache, werden immer schön breit getreten. Heute hat mich z.B. eine Kollegin bei etwas berichtigt (halb so wild). Dann sagt eine andere Kollegin: “Ach ja…Das sagen wir dir auch jedes mal”….und grinst süffisant. Dabei hörte ich das zum ersten Mal. Die machen auch Fehler, aber da…
Wenn ihr selbstständig seid, nicht arbeitet oder selbst Chef/Chefin seid. Bitte nicht antworten. Leute mit Gleitzeit sind auch ausgenommen, weil sie normalerweise nicht zu spät kommen können.
The function of the operational manager can be taken over by different ranks and qualifications.
Also, the highest rank is not always the leader.
In many cases, high-ranking employees of the fire department take over the function of the “subsidiary, the resource manager” staff station etc. In order to keep the back free of operational ladders, section ladders etc and to convey it in doubt between demand requests and demand filling.
The operational manager is not a rank but a position due to the use.
And even the group leader is not a rank but only a training by definition.
Because of its training and position as a group leader, one can have a corresponding rank, e.g., extinguisher master, but this does not necessarily have to be the case.
In use it looks as follows and I would like to give a simple example.
We have two independent fire brigades / places. Place A has an erasing train with a train driver (and at the same time wehrleiter this fire department) and two group leaders, place B has only one extinguishing vehicle with a group leader (and at the same time wehrleiter this fire department).
In place B it burns and both firefighters drive to the site.
In this case, the group leader from place B is the operational manager, since he is the local leader. The train driver from Ort A with his two group leaders must be subordinate to the team leader with group leader qualification.
Now it burns in place A and fire brigade A and fire brigade B, but one of the two group leaders from A is in front of the train driver at the station.
In this case, here too, the group leader is the first incoming unit to be employed and can also give the group leader from B arriving next. As soon as the train driver arrives at the point of use in the course of operation, the latter takes over the feed line by the group leader A, since it is now the highest level of guidance trained in local competence.
It becomes quite complicated, by the way, if one now also lets mixtures of volunteer fire brigade and professional fire brigade flow into this equation, because the regulations are again different, but that would blow the frame here.
The leader is not a rank he is a leader as the group leader Staffelführer Zugführer etc. for this one does not need a special place at the fire department (Minimal Brandmeister/Feuerwehrmann)
They’re not “rails.”
Operational ladder is a function that is perceived by someone during a mission. Group leader is a qualification.
In the case of smaller inserts, a group leader may be operational manager.
And can you perhaps say from what degree of service you can be the manager and from what degree of service you can be the leader id?
Wrong thought!
A certain degree of service is not a prerequisite for a specific function.
Rather, the degree of service (also depending on the federal state) results from a mixture of experience (service time) and/or training/qualification and/or function and/or size of the municipality.
Example from Schleswig-Holstein:
As a “normal firefighter” without a function that successfully completes a group leader training, you will be promoted to the firefighter. If you also exercise the function of the group leader with this training, you will be promoted to the Oberlöschmeister.
In addition to training and function, the Wehrführers also focus on the size of the municipality and whether one is the local (part) or municipal military leader, then everything is possible from the master era master to the first master firemaster.
And what applies to the commander is, as a rule, the supreme, present leadership of the local authority. And if there are no executives yet, the one with the highest education and/or most experience. Thus, at the first moment, a simple group leader (in SH service degree Hauptfeuerwehrmann) can actually be operational manager and this function can then be performed after arrival, if necessary. to more qualified comrades such as group, train or guide.
This varies in every country.
Group leaders can be operational leaders.
Situation and resources dependent.
Nix “egal ob Bundesland”. The degrees of service have different conditions and other related functions in each federal state.
Can you as a fire inspector be an operational manager, or can you also be a master racer? No matter if country