Wer ist eure Lieblingssängerin?
Hey Leute,
Wer ist eure Lieblingssängerin?👩🎤
Whitney Houston
Tina Turner
Dolly Parton
Aretha Franklin
Janis Joplin
Stevie Nicks
Hey Leute,
Wer ist eure Lieblingssängerin?👩🎤
Whitney Houston
Tina Turner
Dolly Parton
Aretha Franklin
Janis Joplin
Stevie Nicks
Ich suche auf Tanzmusik-Online, welcher Tanz zu welchem Lied passt. Nun kann ich diese Seite nicht mehr erreichen. Es kommt die Meldung SEITEN-LADEFEHLER
Guten Tag Denkt ihr der Hype um Swift wird auch mal zu Ende gehen, so wie es zum Beispiel bei Lady Gaga & Justin Biber war? Ich finde das Geschrei um ihr langsam nervig.. Danke
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iyLdoQGBchQ Es gab da auch mal ein TikTok Video das finde ich leider nicht mehr Da tanzte ein animiertes Mädchen in einem rosa Kleid Findet ihr das irgendwo?
..der Band Sabaton? 😊
Bin gespannt..ich weiß es…xD https://youtu.be/hh9Zxh_pk70?si=GBRSx9KP3vJVDPIt
Whitney Houston and Tina Turner have released a versatile song repertoire over their long-term career, giving them both the status of exceptional artists. Both convince with the interpretation of ballads as well as rock and pop songs, so that the preference of one artist would inevitably regress the other – which would not be justified with regard to the musical significance of both.
I like to hear Kate Bush and Loreena McKennitt just like Sia and the current Miley Cyrus. I could now set up a whole list (Heather Nova, Tori Amos,…) I can only start a little with such standard all-world vocals. I also hear, but then at least the music has to fit.
Lana del Rey and Billie Eillish. Melanie Martinez is not bad either. Of those then probably Tina Turner, but not my music taste.
From the list I really like all the singers. For example, I like Tarja Turunen, Marie Fredriksson or Donna Summer.
Who mentions Donna Summer must: get a thumb!
Have no special favorite singer. :/
From the list I like all and I would add Lana Del Rey and Billie Eilish 🙂
Don’t have a special favorite singer.
For me, the main thing is that I like the song and whether a woman, man or Mars man sings no matter
That was not an easy decision. Dolly Parton is also very happy to click on. She wrote the original of Whitney’s “I Will Always Love You”. Dolly’s version I prefer.
You and CHER
The two are the absolute dream team
Best regards, Jan
There are some others like:
A connoisseur. Not bad.
Of those listed here, it would be this artist. Especially for their connection within FLEETWOOD MACS. Together with Lindsey Buckingham, she managed to miss this band a completely new style life, so that a renewed success could not wait long. Not only their unique voice, but also their compositions helped. The album “Rumours” is one of the best selling longplayers of all time.
Here is now an album titled by her “Fleetwood Mac”:
Bonnie Tyler
But yours are great too!
The Best
Tarja Turunen 💪🤘🏽🤙🍻
Joan Jett:-)