Who else is hyped about Agatha All Along?
I'm really looking forward to the series! Because I really hope Wanda makes a comeback in the series. What about you?
I'm really looking forward to the series! Because I really hope Wanda makes a comeback in the series. What about you?
Actually, anything goes when it comes to genre, except romance. And it can be absolutely brutal, etc. But please no anime where children or women are sexualized. Thank you.
werden noch neue teile überhaupt gedreht oder ist die harry potter reihe zu ende?
Which of these families has the best dynamic? Which one has the best atmosphere? Which of these families do you simply like the most?
Mine is definitely Chuck Bass and yours?
Warum wird nach Arielle die meerjungfrau und Disney world gezeigt und nicht Euro Disney nach der VHS Film
Hey guys, is Disney Plus going crazy for you too?
Not at all. I find Agatha badly lame and I won’t see the series.
Not really