Wer hilft einem psychisch kranken Rentner*in in seinem Zustand die Steuer -noch- zu machen?
weil junge Rentner* innen ja zur Einkommenssteuerveranlagung und zu einer Einkommenssteuererklärung verpflichtet sind, aber was ist, wenn sie das geistig und psychisch nicht mehr auf die Reihe kriegen, egal ob im Heim oder nicht, aber jedenfalls nicht mehr den Überblick behaltend, und trotzdem noch die Steuer machen müssen oder besser eigentlich müssten .. hat dann der Rentner ein Problem oder das Finanzamt?
If the mental illness is so serious, even the commissioning of a StB/LoHi is no longer possible, because there is probably also a GdB. There should also be a supervisor who regulates this.
But even if this is not the case, the following could happen:
The financial officer sees at some point when he gets his “lists” the pensioner A has not yet given a tax return and wants to ask him to do so.
So he (hopefully) checks where A lives and notices “Pflegeheim XY” and will find that there is “not much to get” because in the end, the extraordinary burdens due to the care should push the tax quite strongly.
Financial officer B is young and overmotivated and has to learn many things and now the A wants to give its tax return for the year because there is something going on (so without expenses), but the A can’t do that. The B now estimates the tax bases and sets a tax (including a juicy delay allowance). Because the fixing is so high, of course, advance payments are also fixed.
Because the A, and neither one of his caregivers or relatives, does not respond to the demand that comes what has to come, the tax office will want to complete.
Since nothing is to be picked up in the account of the A, the tax office of the tax office sends the executing officer (official officer of the FA) and he notes that the A is living in the nursing home (or wherever such a completely confused person lives) and informs the financial officer B. All realize: There is nothing to get and in the end either the call is cancelled, changed or the demand is stretched down
And in the end, the B will have learned something very important:
Sometimes you should think
Now, of course, the whole thing is very exaggerated, because at some point someone (no matter what side) will notice what you do and tell the tax office what the whole thing looks like.
But a fundamental exemption from the levy is not enshrined in the tax laws, this is always an individual case decision.
Because even a completely confused person can have such high incomes, one will want to set a tax. But people have idR someone who takes this for one.
yes, this is the hammer .. puh
No, the payroll agency can do this for you. Otherwise, it makes a tax advisor for you.
For this, for example, you can apply for support or contact a payroll agency.
If there are no other income, the pensioner may apply for a “non-compliance”.
Anyone who is confused and lives in a home can be helped by the social worker there.
Mostly a caregiver, otherwise there are also points of contact which help one or a tax adviser, who costs when you use it.
He then turns to a tax adviser, a payroll agency or, if it is no longer in a position to do so, then he should seek care which the whole must then regulate for him.
There are tax advisors and help associations for this.
Never heard of there being tax advisors?
for (s) a will not everyone seeks a notary .. that is all voluntary, and the tax office is not comparable to the broadcasting authority .. there is also a social component at the tax office, in contrast to a social component.
a social component
I know who you’re saying.
who is unable to deliver the tax return without help, must seek appropriate help!
Otherwise, the tax office would no longer receive a tax return at all, as any taxable person would probably be charged with psychological burden and refuse to pay!
byhteway: and if the tax is obligatory, the tax office shall not be liable. is considerably worse for the pensioner.
yup, the responsibilities of pension insurance have been predicting Trolle for years.
Keep dreaming! Because to have to explain to a troll that the pension insurance gets TEUERzuschüße is absolutely insane, as a troll doesn’t understand that!
that is necessary anyway soon because pension insurance will soon lead where and if nothing is, then there is nothing to tax..
and? What do you want to tell me?
who cannot perceive his tax duties alone must seek help. Fact.
there are young pensioners who can’t even write their name yet.
Then they have a supervisor who takes care of it.
He’s gonna get a supervisor from the state to do this.
A supervisor.