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Pille und Kondom zusammen für mehr Schutz?
Hey Wie ist es bei euch? Verhütet der Junge, das Mädchen oder beide? LG
No, but with you.
Yes, yes and no.
After we have been together for a couple of years and have tested ourselves before, we have stopped taking condoms.
Since neither my friend nor I can get pregnant, the question is unnecessary 😀
I would like to say quite clearly: without test and previous long relationship, I would never have left a rubber.
Very simple: if you don’t have parents or You don’t want to be a father yet, then you use a condom. If you are in a firm relationship and otherwise reliably prevent it, you can also leave it away.
For ONS and affair, you should always use a rubber – on the one hand, to make sure you don’t become a father, on the other hand, to avoid gender diseases.
Yeah, well, many don’t think that man’s wife can catch up with the most beautiful thing.
Hundreds of times and not a pregnancy…
Are you always insane?
Because she hopefully took the pill or otherwise prevented it.
No, no one has prevented, I suffer disorders/urogenital/azoospermie
Sure. But she took the mini pill and was soon after the period. We were sure that didn’t come out after 9 months or a small shrine. Otherwise do better with ! 5 minutes riding master –> min. 18 years paying master.
“But she took the mini pill and was soon after the period”
If she takes the pill, it doesn’t matter how long the period was.
Sure, it was double protection from pregnancy.
Apart from a possible pregnancy, there are other reasons to use condoms (STIs, such as HIV, Herpes, HPV, Syphilis,…)
See my second answer! Sure, man and woman should also worry.
We both had no other sexual contact within 6 months and both had a negative AIDS test!
If you know the cycles of the girl, you also know that you can have sex without prevention at certain times
Those who ask such questions are also guaranteed to have female cycles.
However, it is only possible to know the cycle if the woman works according to the slime and temperature method. Otherwise it is Russian roulette. And then you’ll be crying around because you have to keep it.
My ex never happened….
It’s not very sure to make it without condom even if you pull it out early enough… a condom never hurts!
without rubber and pills kept in and immediately pregnant.
As it was desired, the joy was great.
no twice (without rubber and pill). Otherwise at least pill.
As a young person, pill(replacement syringe spiral etc) and gum duty are NOT to get pregnant.
That was different with us, we wanted to achieve pregnancy
Always. I’ve been lucky so far.
Do you always spray?
Almost always
You were lucky. Or obviously otherwise prevented.