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Kaugummis die es nicht mehr gibt?
Wie heißen die nochmal? Die waren schon etwas scharf und hatten ein Pfeil drauf? Und gibt es die überhaupt NOCH?
Yes, they will also keep my eyes on a daily basis, and I also often get to:-)
Simply put, this is a sort of Sushireis, which is pressed into a triangle and is usually looped around by a Nori algae leaf. It’s such a thing for the little hunger in between, there’s nothing sweet anymore…
Yes, heard and seen through Youtube and I would like to try out
Actually as good as anyone who finds the East Asian cuisine delicious.
Yes, the rice triangles, which were always funny at Pokémon called “Donuts”. :o)
Most likely everyone knows Japanese food.
And now?
Eat several times. Very delicious.
Everyone who eats sushi has heard of it.
Why don’t you just make a survey for a simple yes-no question? You’d get more involvement.
Never heard
I had to google what Onigiri means.