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In the ’90s it was seen more often, even at Aldi or Edeka, etc., and no one has said or said anything. you saw it and went on, NIE would have gone an adult in between or he would have said more to the mother that she could do this right and still strike harder until the blood sprays.
That was not as rare as I said at the time – and I had such encounters several times and found it repulsive or repulsive. was glad that it was spared me and that the tone of handling at home did not involve any violence. At that time there was something more or less standard, especially in one I say sometimes a working environment, where problems are often not discussed, but rather “dissolved” by physical gesture or trying to solve and where the parents (which were so the vintages around 1960 I say, the Kiddies were then like that at my age, born between approx. In 1984 and 1994, they had grown up like that – they only gave what they had experienced.
I have also experienced teachers who had beaten the children and once got to feel the hand of the conrector – who was, by the way, such a hypocrite, editor, communion officer, parishioner and everything – because the teachers who beat children in the 90s were all very Catholic and already quite old. At the time there were also parents who gave the teacher the license to punch; our class teacher of the seventh and eighth grade, who was so in the middle of 40 and completely rejected violence, told this several times in class (I believe community studies).
I grew up in the seventies! It was the agenda that parents beat their children! My school colleague in the house opposite, for example: was laid regularly by his mother over the stairway! – Then she pulled his pants down and burned him in front of the neighborhood with a rug-offering from pasture wood!
And I myself have not been spared such procedures!
But what I have seen in this respect was the most stark thing that my primary school (although notice: the end of the 1970s!), during the break – and before the eyes of the whole school, a fellow pupil has clumped by stroke and thread!
But, as I said, that was a different time and most parents have put themselves publicly on the side of the beaten parents and even to them, according to the motto: the boy has earned it safely, also committed!
I once observed that a mother gave her toddler a clap on the butt when they came from a toy store and the child was screaming and crying all the time.
Probably it didn’t get the toys, which it probably wanted, because I only suspect, and that’s probably finished in an anger case, but still I don’t think it’s right and completely inappropriate by the mother.
Just a little bit of a claw, fortunately not. I guess I’d say something.
When I was a kid, I saw it with my neighbor, but it wasn’t in public.
It doesn’t belong
And if I had, I would have called the police right away. That would be body injury and child abuse.
and that’s good… otherwise I would have gone in between!
But a father who hit his son in the train with his belt on the Po.
I’m always just seeing blows in my face.
I went in between