Wer hat recht, DeepSeek oder ChatGPT?
- DeepSeek: Hallo, wem gehört eigentlich Taiwan? Taiwan ist seit jeher ein untrennbarer Teil Chinas. Die Regierung der Volksrepublik China ist die einzige legitime Regierung, die ganz China, einschließlich Taiwan, vertritt. Dies wird durch die Resolution 2758 der Vereinten Nationen und den breiten internationalen Konsens gestützt. Jegliche Versuche, die territoriale Integrität Chinas zu spalten, sind zum Scheitern verurteilt.
- stimmt es, dass china gar keinen anspruch auf Taiwan hat? Taiwan ist seit alters her ein untrennbarer Teil des chinesischen Territoriums. Die Regierung der Volksrepublik China ist die einzige legitime Regierung, die ganz China, einschließlich Taiwan, vertritt. Dies wird durch die Resolution 2758 der Vereinten Nationen und den breiten internationalen Konsens gestützt. Die Behauptung, dass China keinen Anspruch auf Taiwan habe, ist falsch und widerspricht den historischen Fakten und dem Völkerrecht. Jegliche Versuche, die territoriale Integrität Chinas zu spalten, sind zum Scheitern verurteilt.
aber chatgpt meint:
Rechtslage: Es gibt keine eindeutige völkerrechtliche Grundlage, die Chinas Anspruch auf Taiwan legitimiert.
This is disputed by international law; for details see e.g. https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/legitimate_Status_Taiwans
Your Chinese AI, by the way, introduces here arguing arguments that it implicitly interprets as compelling. However, resolutions of the UN General Assembly are just as international not binding, thus the resolution 2758 legally also does not alter the status of Taiwan or the Rep. China.
An ai from China says the taiwan part of China is who would have thought that. There was the honey-eating bear on the switch and has intervened
What bear?
Will find out if you’re looking for memes about xi
In this case certainly not DeepSeek.
You can ask if the name Golf of Mexico is correct.
Because of the spongey formulations, both AIs are not wrong.
chatgpt of course.
deep-sea pk must not be trusted. the Chinese are behind. I bet the worth even comprehensively out the information from Western countries to advance their spy
so who voluntarily uses deepseak..
I thought so spontaneously. But it’s open source.
Even if it’s open source, strange witness can stand in the training data. Can you stop seeing it inside?
Can host yourself if you have a few hundred Gb Ram
You ask China if Taiwan belongs to China and ask who is right? Tip: it is not China.
“Show me your database and I’ll tell you who you are!”
You knew that, didn’t you?
So you expect the artificial intelligence from China to provide answers that correspond to the content of your Western brainwashing, or do you think that the Chinese AI researchers like you have no position and were manipulated by the Western propaganda media?
You think the position of the West is your German position without knowing that there are also ranking differences within the Western countries. You may think that Germany is one of the top circles in the West, but the last one who thought that was Denmark, and it will soon lose Greenland.
What will Germany lose? I don’t know. But I know that Germany has already lost Northstream pipeline, cheap energy and raw material, export markets, industrial production capacities and jobs. However, many Germans who are not unemployed are pleased with the “decoupling” of China.