Wer hat recht?

Ich kenne jemand der sagt man braucht kein Studium um Karriere zu machen, aber ich sage, doch, wenn man in eine Führungsposition will, braucht man ein vernünftiges Studium in dem Bereich, PLUS Berufserfahrung.

Wenn du nur eine Ausbildung hast, wirst du sehr wahrscheinlich nie befördert. Wer hat Recht?

Ich glaube die Zeiten sind vorbei wo man mit einfacher Ausbildung oder gar ohne Aufsteigen konnte. Was stimmt jetzt?

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7 months ago

I would also say that you don’t need a degree to make careers. In crafts and in industry, a master title (which can also be obtained without studies) is equivalent to a degree. In addition, the professional experience has also been collected.

Look at this from a company’s perspective. Who would you hire?

Someone with master title, who definitely has practice experience, otherwise he could not have done the master or a student where you don’t know if he has practice experience?

7 months ago
Reply to  KarriereMensch

You know that there are not only masters in crafts, right?

7 months ago

There are also masters in industry. In the Commercial Area (Office) as well. Just as there are courses with which to work in industry or in administration.

7 months ago

Your buddy’s right. You don’t need to study for a career. In fact, the possibility of career advancement in many courses is rather suboptimal.

Whoever wants a leadership position needs experience, talent and will.

I have an acquaintance who has a workshop master post and not even a master title. Another buddy was branch manager until the job change (with master title).

For me, the study or the possibilities are often overestimated.

7 months ago
Reply to  KarriereMensch

As you can see above, your school education hasn’t even given you a sense of reading – that’s to say, you’ve got a short time with the “Boomer” statement ^^^

7 months ago
Reply to  KarriereMensch

For information only:

I just gogled for a second and no, I’m not a boomer. According to the Internet I belong to the Millennials or Generation Y.

7 months ago
Reply to  KarriereMensch

You think study is meaningless?

You can’t read? What exactly in my answer suggests that I think a study would be meaningless? I have successfully studied myself.

7 months ago
Reply to  KarriereMensch

He never said that, maybe you should read the text more carefully.

7 months ago

Handicrafts, sales, banking, insurance and finabrache, air traffic controllers, chemiedges, experts themselves for fitness trainers need not be studied.

An ex-girlfriend from me has been training at Kik and was head of office at the end of 20 years without studying.

Likewise, an acquaintance of me, learned chemical laboratory technician, e.g. team leader with end 20. The jump to the head of the department is supposed to be close to us.

7 months ago


Uh, yeah.

And you know what? Because you are already in a leadership position or because you have so much life experience with your maximum beginning 20, your materialism of your laziness described in other questions, the fact that you are a late-daughter and willless? (All points from your questions from the last 3 days)

If you want to study because it doesn’t get clear with physical work, do that. But don’t try to evaluate everything else besides studying.

7 months ago

many are just trying to study.

Yeah, and more jobs just want people with training.

7 months ago

If you only have a training

Why “just”?

With an education one has learned the basics for a profession in practice. When studying, it is only taught in theory and must then be supplemented by internships.

If you only have an education, you will probably never be promoted.

If you only have a degree, you don’t have a job yet and you don’t have a professional experience.
Have already seen people with completed IT studies, who have looked good on paper, but in practice they were not to be used for anything. And then comes a technical informant who has just “only” made an education with IHK degree and makes the students know – us completely wet in terms of performance.

I think the times are over, where you could have a simple training or even ascending.

Times are absolutely not over.
Instead, the times are rather over, in which a good degree of study of corporations was applied. Because today there are so many applicants for these jobs that the corporations have free choice and the mass of the coveted jobs will not get a chance at all. It is then only as a close-to-rounder to do the work that comes close to the study and for which one could have better cards with an education.

7 months ago

It is also possible without studies, but of course further training is required.

There are also many who still drive “just” taxi.

If you want it, you can do it!

7 months ago
Reply to  KarriereMensch

Yes, of course that is possible.

7 months ago
Reply to  KarriereMensch

But I know at least three people who have not studied and are still successful entrepreneurs

7 months ago

That’s exactly what I described. It is possible, but it takes a little longer.

7 months ago

How do you define career?

7 months ago

Great enough! And your statement was that you can’t make a career without studying, I’ve been contradicting it, not pretending it’s different. But only one study alone says nothing about the later success. It is possible with bite and ambition.

7 months ago

Neither do I. 1 is independent, the other two are employed managing directors and earn almost 100K in the year. Both with commercial training, then further training in the field, first a department, then a branch, then an area led. Now they are at the top of the company headquarters

7 months ago

Both are more likely than the other.

7 months ago

A study is not a guarantee for career… you can do it without…

But now stop quengeling and start studying when you’re so obsessed.

With your lack of self-consciousness (as you can see on your lasting questions on the same topic) you will hardly make a career…

7 months ago
Reply to  KarriereMensch

Och… I’m very happy with my career… if you’re ambitious, fleissig and honest, that’ll work all by yourself 🙂

And… stay realistic… what’s career?
I think if you can afford your living and beautiful things, that’s the “career”… everything else only brings stress and obligations… think about it…

7 months ago

Then go to net!

7 months ago

Yeah, so? Then there’s something in life, and you’ll be admired… it doesn’t need either study or “career” (or what you’re presenting below).
Admiration must be earned by being… it does not come through a lot of money in the account.

But maybe… You can book an appointment with the life consultant or the like?