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Deo schnüffeln?
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The use of cannabis to achieve a state of noise cannot be traced back to a specific person or individual inventor. The use of cannabis dates thousands of years and has a long history in various cultures and regions of the world.
Cannabis derived from marijuana is a plant that naturally occurs in many parts of the world. There are indications that people began to use cannabis thousands of years ago, both for medical and ritual or pleasure purposes.
The oldest known records of the use of cannabis originate from ancient China, where it was used for medical purposes. There is also archaeological evidence that cannabis has already been used in ancient Egypt and ancient India.
It is important to note that the use of cannabis has been and has been developed for different purposes depending on the culture and historical age. The modern type of ciffing in which cannabis is smoked has developed over time and has been influenced by various influences.
It is difficult to describe the invention of the ciffing of a single person, as it is a process that has been developed over history and has been influenced by different cultures.
good question, short answer would be: a correct breath.
And that’s what chatgpt says so we’ve got some research:
The use of cannabis (also called “kiffen”) has a long history spanning thousands of years. It is difficult to determine the exact origin or the person who invented the ciff, as the use of cannabis in different cultures has been discovered independently.
The earliest known indications of the use of cannabis come from ancient China about 5,000 years ago. In Chinese writings, the medical properties of cannabis were described and it was used as a medicinal herb.
Over the course of history, the use of cannabis spread in various regions of the world. In ancient India, cannabis was used in connection with religious and spiritual practices. In the Middle East, cannabis was consumed for medical purposes and as a psychoactive substance. In Africa, cannabis was used by some tribes in rituals and ceremonies.
It is important to note that the use of cannabis is not due to a single person or a specific invention. Instead, the use of cannabis developed over time and was discovered and developed by various cultures around the world.