Wer hat eurer Meinung das Space Race gewonnen?
Also das Wettrennen ins Weltall und zum Mond. Die USA haben ja grundsätzlich das Hauptziel erreicht aber die Sovjetunion hat die meisten Erfolge davor gehabt. Wer hat eurer Meinung letztendlich gewonnen? Ist es wie ein Marathon oder geht es darum wer mehr insgesamt erreich hat.
In addition to the first people on the moon, the USA also had the first successful Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Plutomission. In addition, the first successful comet (Giacobini-Zinner) and asteroid emission (Nike).
Both have lost. Big effort and hasn’t done anything except garbage in space.
Yeah, because of people like you, we’re always going to suck on Earth. Just because time men had the balls to crawl out of the cave you now have a cell phone in your hand. Space is the future. Earth dies and we can’t stay forever. The average American needs 4 earths.
Military expenditure is clearly devastated.
Pure fiction without any science.
Do you have any idea how far the next inhabitable planet is? How to find him? How many millennia would you be out there?
Better not let our beautiful planet die.
The chance that people come to reason here on Earth seems to me a little bigger!
And they’ll be tomorrow. Nothing will change. We can now take care of the system which does not change or look for our future in the solar system where prosper is not a problem.
But they can only do that because millions of people support it.
That’s right. You probably live in a wrong reality with rainbow. No company, not the oil industry, wants to take a half step back. The economy of whole countries is almost based on pollution. We Europeans are not even half as much as the Indians and believe our abyss standards, etc. would do something.
Certainly not. Our only chance is to take steps back to find a reasonable measure and to fix the damage. A jump into the void, so really.
We stand at the abyss and our only chance is to jump over and leave everything behind.
Just according to the motto: Yesterday we stood at the abyss, today we made a big step forward.
We can’t always stay here when we want to develop.
Well, these are the people who always know the time – without clock. 😅
Keep dreaming!
Our beautiful planet is just a hole soon and we can’t stop it anymore. Always look forward.
Do you know how many small celestial bodies near the earth are the material we would have supplied with for eternity? Cub belt? With good drives we can settle our solar system.
How do you define?
The race continues, India and China will catch up in the future and leave all the others back.
India just wants to go. Just like us and Japan. The actual race is between the USA and China
Humanity, for it has brought us forward.
The United States won