Wer hat Erfahrungen gemacht, mit dem Inkasso Unternehmen euro invest?

Hallo zusammen, ich habe heute eine Mail von dem Inkassounternehmen Euro Invest erhalten. In der Mail wird mir mitgeteilt, dass ich eine Forderung in Höhe von €300 zu leisten habe. Der Vertrag kam angeblich 2020 zustande. Ich habe keinen Antrag gestellt und ich habe auch nichts unterschrieben.

Was kann ich dagegen tun? Einfach ignorieren?

Kommt mir vor, als wären das solche Betrüger (Phishing Mails).

Vielen Dank im Voraus für eure Antworten.

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2 years ago

If you’re sure that the reminder is done for no reason, let her write.

Only when a yellow letter should come from the local court will it be hot.

At the latest you have to immediately react.

2 years ago

Did also have to do with them and YES unfortunately you will have to pay sooner or later…

I myself surfed on the Internet unattended and confirmed what was listed in the AGB’s fees. 4 years later, I received an email with Mahn fees without ever receiving a letter. Was with the lawyer, is right. This was not the worst for me, but I see the company itself as follows:

Incompetent, respectless & unreliable…

Another description does not fall into my club!!!

You have to follow his themes,

that cannot read payment inputs

(indicated because the process number was in the wrong line of the continuous order ABER was included.

and what could not be said on multiple questions for more than 4 months to get the possibility of it. adapting,

if they don’t have filter options, which BTW is quite sad, as that can be pretty much everyone with his private account),

you don’t get reasonable, professional information for months,

then press additional fees and court proceedings for THE “not replying” unauthorizedly,

TROTZ demonstrable caring, responsibilities and IMMER accurate payments as agreed!

If you have a superior after 4 months of the post-running, there are papal, unintentional and unjustified statements without even the touch of a clue of duties and rights for BEIDE parties!

In addition, one is insulted, instead of complying with the professional profile of a superior, to simply or to show understanding, even though one is a proven paying and caring debtor!

I have to admit that even I was no longer friendly, but think understandable if you have to run 4 months behind without answer, instead a court proceedings is simply opened unauthorized and then is insulted and treated like that!

So much for it