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1 year ago

The Russian civil war began after the October Revolution of 1917, when the

Bolsheviks led by Vladimir Lenin

took power in Russia and formed a communist government. The Bolsheviks fought against various groups, including the White Army, which consisted of supporters of the old tsarist government, liberal Democrats and other groups fighting against the Communist government.

The Russian Civil War – An Overview

After the February Revolution and also after the collapse of the Bolsheviks in October 1917, elected pluralist Soviet Councils were formed throughout the country, composed of representatives of workers, farmers and soldiers.

Democracy-elected bodies also emerged at the state level, including the All-Russian Central Executive Committee and the Constitutional Assembly.

The Bolsheviks, however, saw themselves everywhere in the undernumber.

While their electoral base was based only on the radical labour force and the soldiers, the socialists enjoyed great popularity among moderate workers and farmers. Since the Group of Socialist Revolutionaries dominated the Constitutional Assembly with about 40% of seats, the Bolsheviks decided in January 1918 to dissociate them in a short time and thus went one step towards civil war.1

Furthermore, the Bolsheviks’ actions in the peace negotiations with the middle powers were inconvenient. Although a peace of separation was sought, they deliberately extended the negotiations, as great hopes were placed on the early revolution in Germany. But a reception of the acts of war for Lenin – and contrary to the views of other groups in the Soviet Parliament – was a special question because he otherwise saw the revolution in danger. In order to exert pressure on the Soviet government, the German troops continued to move forward. It was only on 3 March that a peace agreement with very harsh conditions was signed in Brest-Litovsk. The revolution was saved, but there was a rise in the population. In protest, the opposition groups retreated from the government.2

As a result, the socialists suffered from repression and were increasingly forced out of the Soviets and finally excluded from the government by decree in June 1918.3

The Bolsheviks, together with conservative monarchists, landowners and socialists, had other enemies in the population. Strike workers and insurgent peasants, who fought against the violent requisition measures, became increasingly the goal of repression and restricted freedoms. Slowly the dictatorship of theCommunist Partyoff.

Phase 1

– opponents: counter-government of social revolutionaries, Czech Legion, Allied (GB, F, USA)

– Period: Spring 1918 to November 1918

Already in the spring, the Bolsheviks had to be expelled with violence among parts of the opposition parties.

1 year ago
Reply to  Udavu

1 year ago

Lenin brought this revolution into the corridors.

The miserable states m Zarenreich and then the lost First World War certainly led the October Revolution, led by Lenin, which was supported by Emperor Wilhelm ll, in Petersburg.

1 year ago

The Zar Nikolaus II refused any social reforms. In 1905 he had peaceful demonstrators put together in St. Petersburg. This encouraged the hatred of the monarchy in parts of the population.

By the way – the brother of Lenin was executed for an attempt to assassinate the tsar.


1 year ago

The Tsar by years of suppression of the Russian population