Wer hat das gleiche Problem beim Pinkeln im Sitzen?
Als ordentlich konditionierter Mann ist es selbstverständlich, dass ich mich zum Pinkeln natürlich auf den “Thron” setze und nicht überall hinpinkel oder Tröpfchen durch die Luft verteile. Dennoch habe ich ein Problem beim Pinkeln im Sitzen. Mein Penis ist manchmal so kurz, dass ich ihn zum Pinkeln nicht in die gewünschte Position bringen kann und so passiert häufig, dass ich quasi durch die Klobrille hindurch schiffe. Damit ist das Pinkeln im Sitzen eher kontraproduktiv. Wer kennt das Problem auch? Ich bin doch nicht der Einzige, dem es so geht, oder?
If it’s like that on some days, try to pull it a little before. So you can literally lure it out of the reserve and then press it down. After my circumcision with 13 it happened to me sometimes, my mold, when it was cold, was almost horizontal. But then he changed us he’s gone longer.
I always sit at urinating. I insist that my guests sit down.
I don’t like it when you screw up the toilet bowl and/or glasses.
The size is not important. Ask me what you think. Even little boys can sit in it and they don’t have any problems and I’m sure you don’t have less than a little boy.
How do I get it? Experience?
If you do not agree with your argument, it is always right and does not allow the opinions of others to apply
Neither my penis is particularly small nor am I excessively fat. In fact, however, my little friend crumbles down and down to the abdominal cavity and then almost only the acorn is out. However, since I can’t exactly determine in which direction the beam escapes, I just notice that the target has been missed.
What pleases your comment now has to do with the answer I have given.
I’m sure you don’t need anatomical information about men’s bodies, whether they’re sitting there, pissing between glasses and bowl or not
But he must have an extremely small one so that he pisses so he meets the glasses.
Here are often the ones who write: help has Micropenis of 2cm or something. They’re usually just trolls.
Or he’s so fat that he doesn’t fit the toilet bowl properly.
I just did my opinion as you do, I also have the right.
And this has nothing to do with Stalker.
Are you going to be a stalker? Because you can’t understand that everyone doesn’t share your cutting table?
Honestly, I don’t know this problem more than 30 years of persuasive seat endpink. I think you’re gonna have to catch some more of your technique!
If you bend your upper body a little forward, then there is another angle.
Hi, I’ve been peeing since I’ve been a kid sitting in my seat, I’ve never done anything yet, so that I’ve always pinched into the bowl, try to bend a bit forward by changing sitting the angle of your penis changes and you should just hit the bowl.
It has not yet happened to me, but for that With my son (yet 6 a.m.) it has happened more often. It just happened to wipe away and finish. Can’t anyone happen.
So I’m not a man and I don’t have this problem, but I would recommend you put on the clo so that you can squeeze the penis with your hand a little bit so that nothing gets between the clo goggles.
Or just bend the upper body a little forward. Then there’s another Winke!
Or so…
Then enough “material” would have to be there to press down. But sometimes it is not…🤷
Shouldn’t be an ensemble now – but I know the problem the other way around. My best piece regularly touches the toilet ceramics when sitting (which is not exactly pleasant and safe even little hygienic). Therefore, when sitting, I always have to “highly lift him”.
Try it the other way around – press it down.
For me, however, I prefer to pee while standing, that has more advantages.
It is also possible to make it clean and clean;)
Sure, I’ll push the little one. But don’t always succeed and if I had a condominium, I would definitely have a urinal in the bathroom. Pipi on the fingers isn’t bad, but on the tiles is stupid. But thank you for your answer.
Hi Tottilotti, no you’re not alone with the problem, I know myself too. 😉
No, I don’t have the problem.
Had I had in the beginning after I was circumcised, now no longer
Try standing in like we do men.
I know well when I sit.
Press it down with your fingers
Some men, however, really have to explain everything.
Do not lead to success