Wer hat auch Po voll bekommen?
Wer hat damals/heute auch Po voll bekommen ?
Wer hat damals/heute auch Po voll bekommen ?
Und auf was freut ihr euch am Meisten?
Ich M/18 Wohne noch bei meinen eltern Dürfen die mir meine bong enziehen und mir verbieten legales hhc , cbd usw. Zu konsumieren ?
Man stelle sich vor ein Ehepaar lebt in einer Einzimmerwohnung und bekommt Zwillinge, kann sich dann das Jugendamt einschalten aufgrund Platzmangel für die Kinder, auch wenn alles andere in Ordnung ist? Oder wenn jemand eine Zwei-Zimmer-Wohnung hat mit 3/4 Kindern? Ist das Grund genug mit dem Jugendamt Probleme zu bekommen? Ist man dann gezwungen umzuziehen?
Hi Leute ich brauche eure Hilfe: Ich hätte gerne 1-2 Zwergkaninchen, ich habe mich ausreichend informiert und habe auch genügend Platz und Zeit für die süßen. Mein Problem: Meine Eltern. Wie kann ich sie überzeugen? Leisten können wir uns und wie oben bereits erwähnt haben wir auch genug Platz und Zeit. Außerdem hatte meine Mama…
Wie ist das eigentlich, wenn man in einer E-mail von einem Familienmitglied auf das Ärgste beschimpft und beleidigt wird mit ehrverletzenden Ausdrücken – könnte das eine juristische Dimension haben, WENN man diese suchen würde – oder ist in der engeren Familie einfach alles erlaubt?
I’ll say that when I grew up in the 1970s, I got something behind my ears or on the naked ass. – If I was lucky with the flat hand of my mother or my producer and if I had bad luck with the wooden spoon or the leather strap!
Today, although thank God is forbidden to beat his children, unfortunately it still happens more often than you think! – There are still too many idiots who think that children learn something about it when you hit them!
60 years ago it was quite normal and completely usual.
In the last century, it was still common and allowed to miss his offspring a neat ass when he once again built crap. In the current time it is no longer allowed, but is likely to happen more or less secretly in many households. Then it comes up to the circumstances, because there are very many who like it and also miss it, because it somehow gives them a feeling of being respected and punished, which causes belly crabs.
You like it when the pop is glowing and getting red, it makes them belly crawls if you know it will happen immediately and they don’t know how bad it will be if you comfort them later and tell them it was necessary again, or if they still have to stand in the corner with red Po!
It is only important to find the right partner who knows and respects the pain limit and that one can trust one another. If it’s both fun, why not. Don’t have to end with sex. The ones I visit lasts the abdominal crawling and the burning pops, some like it as a role game, for others it is the long-filled longing and motivation!
It’s been some time with me, but my parents, especially my father was pretty strict. Too late, smoking, bad notes and inappropriate behavior was punished. The “Stekkerla” (French for Plugs) was always ready to handle in the corner. The Stekkerla was a ca. 90 cm long bamboo tube stick and he was fucking sprinkled.
There was never quite no reason with it, sometimes it would have been shameful but also done, or house arrest.
But if my parents aren’t evil, then I found it bad, today I find it appropriate and educate myself, but only if you don’t mind.
Stekkerla sounds so harmless. It was probably not.
You realize you’re making yourself criminal?
I don’t want to say what that says about you as a human being. But be sure of my contempt.
As a little girl with 4/5/6 I remember well. Once I got the po out in front of the supermarket because I ran out. I have an experience in my mind. I was supposed to drink my tea, but I spilled it away, my dad smelled in the drain, and then I said that I had to bed I had such a big bed and the previous day I had a sleep paralysis. So I screamed and cried and wanted to sleep with my mother, my dad came in and pulled around me (I stuck myself) I knew what was happening. I begged and cried, but it was ignored. My dad also apologised for it, but it wasn’t with me. I always keep this in mind, I’m traumatized by that I would never forgive them.
ABER… I am almost 16 now and stand on spanking (from my loved one) from my parents I could never run it again then I would believe to run away. That’s why I’m in psychology. Why have my feelings developed in the direction I don’t know, but I’m sure that has something to do with it.
In the meantime, my parents have naturally stopped doing so mostly it was just my father my mother did it once. She was also mostly opposed because she herself experienced blows in her childhood. My dad, too, never disturbed him.
With my siblings, they never did it… only with me…
In my 60/70s this was the normal method of education in school and in the private environment.
My parents didn’t think of it at all, because they had been beaten by their parents themselves, and therefore they were made for themselves, their children are not beaten.
But they had other methods, they made a bad conscience or sent us to think in the room.
Honestly, sometimes we would have been a claw, but her kind of punishment also worked.
I have never experienced violence in education, and my child is never raised with violence in my life. In my opinion, the absolute failure of parents!
So do I.
I have 2 children (6+14) and never had the need to beat them.
Yeah, I remember that. It’s been before.
I got her.
With the bare hand, but also with cooking tables.
most of my uncle with hand or leather belt…:X
Me too, unfortunately. Not so long ago, but was not groundless
Yes and that is not too close, with the rug-offer until it has broken down or the belt 😭
Not the Po, but the face.
As a child, yes.
I felt quite often that there were some in the back.
Yeah, that’s what happened to me.
Violence has nothing to seek in a child’s education.
When I was 7 to 10, it was always from the grandpa to the naked ass.
Do you like it?
Get the po full with 12
With carpeting and pet
With rugs and coat hangers, leather straps and what else was tangible.
And now you are satisfied with the questioner. In the truest sense of the word.
Occasionally a clap, yeah.
This was common education for the children of the 50s/60s up to the 70s.
Even at school, the fighters were allowed.
Yes, I can also remember that the Rector of my primary school has beaten a pupil in the foyer of the school in front of the eyes of all other pupils green and blue! – And since this child came from poor conditions, the parents of this child have not made a criminal complaint! That means that the guy hasn’t even been asked for it!
lasts 10 minutes but is better than three weeks house arrest without phone