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Scrum or at least practices can be introduced and brought a lot. Scrum is for teams that have a certain size, where you don’t get blind anymore.
It is problematic that frequently essential parts are omitted without at least imaging their idea. So, for example, the separation of product Owner and other roles. Or that the developers 👨 💻 themselves should appreciate how long they need for a task.
On the contrary, Scrum requires self-motivated, good team players.
And where exactly have you really experienced this?
At work?
by the way, everything is printed in bold. Somewhat uncomfortable, you feel cried. But they can continue to discuss with people who want to evaluate others.
It’s far from me to want to evaluate someone. In fact, however, I would be interested to know from someone in what kind of project he could actually work with SCRUM more clearly than without SCRUM.
The blog post itself is good. Only that there are no meetings in Scrum, but events. And the refinement itself is not an independent event. But otherwise you can use the blog for further education.
Scrum IST for teams working independently. “Cross-functional” and “self-managing” are the keywords here. A lot of emphasis is placed on communication and respect, so that a team is actually a team – and not a group.
Yes, people who can enjoy and want to achieve something together. With people who don’t play with it, it’ll be difficult.
I cannot leave more than one <3 for this statement :)
I know NIEMANDEN who’s making a mess.
Hold periodic meetings and make the same as always is not agile.
And people don’t understand. Either I do it as it is in the agile manifesto, or I don’t make a scrum. Then, of course, I can’t draw any benefits from it.
In addition, Scrum is not an all-healing agent even if you pass it “perfect”. It does not fit all situations and “automatically better” becomes nix.
SCRUM has nothing to do with whether anyone is able to work independently or not.
SCRUM and the whole other agile rubbish only have something to do with the fact that incapable stupid idiots pull out side-by-side text from the butt, whose real content can be summarized in 0 letters.
The whole garbage is nothing more than a stupid bunch of buzzwords mixed with hollow filling phrases and then so re-formulated that it sounds halfway pretty.
At the “Hochschule München” (in order to name only one example) it seems to have not understood yet:
May I allow myself to reply without reading the text?
How did you actually make programming?
And who wants more example, ask!
And all this without Scrum and Agility!
If I am able to inspire a team (no matter how big) and make it possible that ALL will find themselves behind the goal and put their own line back and push the “friend” rather than themselves, then the “meetings and events” take place with a cup of coffee or a cigarette!
Do you want me to say that Scrum and Co. are for incapable or unfavourable teams?
No, I’m not that bad!
That (latest from the turn of the millennium) agility in the software development area has become a must, no one will deny.
It seems to me that most people who consider SCRUM to be sensible do not know that the classic waterfall model has not lost its value (how many beginners seriously believe). Necessary agility requires only to say goodbye to the idea,
I think that’s true.
But why is that supposed to be bad? It’s good that that’s stupid.
But, really strictly, no one actually pulls through, at least never seen.
Absolutely right. It only surprises me why so much has been written about SCRUM for 20 years.
Positive experiences with SCRUM are rarely reported, e.g. here:
Only the first of these reports seems to be written to me by someone who really met SCRUM in concrete project work (so as affected).