Wer haftet auf einer Autobahn, wenn ich nicht extra für die Autos auf dem Einfädlungsstreifen abbremse und links kein Platz ist für mich zum ausweichen?
Muss ich abbremsen, oder die anderen?
Muss ich abbremsen, oder die anderen?
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Hallo meine Freundin hat ihren Führerschein verloren. Muss sie jetzt zur Polizei gehen und das melden und bekommt dann dort direkt einen vorübergehenden Führerschein?
You don’t have to, and you shouldn’t. The descendant must see himself coming to the highway. So he will speed up and watch traffic on the right highway lane and then find a gap. It’s often just the gap behind you. He will then speed up less and when you’re past him, you’ll go up. If you’re braking or you’re just going off the gas, you’re gonna “choke” it off. The same is true if he wants to go faster and drive up before you, but you give gas.
That is why you should stop at driveways when you are on the highway and not slow or speed up.
Yes, if your distance for threading is not true.
He’ll have to go in, get in the distance, and he’ll do it.
that’s wrong. The catcher does not have a preliminary journey and it does not apply to the zip procedure, but he must observe the journey of flowing traffic and, if necessary, stop it.
The descendant must provide an entrance. If he can’t switch safely to the continuous track, he must stop if necessary.
You don’t have to.
It’s the one on the highway.
The acceleration strip is usually long enough to adapt to the flowing traffic.
You should support that, but don’t just move to the left.
Don’t get up, you’ll get a partial debt.
From what perspective or for whom is that meant?
From both perspectives. Paragraph 1
Not as in the USA: I’m right, so I crash….
You have to try to avoid damage (e.g. by making you noticeable or braking). If this is not completely up, then only the one (to 100%) who caused the accident is liable.
Driving school: defensive driving, visibility, attention.
A considerate driver will pull to the left if possible
Genau, wenn dort nach ausreichender Beobachtung des rückwärtigen Verkehrs (= Rücksicht-svoll) – so der Fahrer das laufend schon zuvor gemacht hat – sich kein anderes Auto nähert, dass er behindern oder gar gefährden würde.
Das mal eben pauschale “Nach-Links-Ziehen” ist eine Unsitte, die so manchen Unfall verursacht hat. Wer schaut schon ständig auf die Überholspur zuvor? Meist bleibt dann bei Leuten, die unachtsam auffahren (also regelwidrig!!), demjenigen auf der Fahrspur nur noch abzubremsen, statt aus falscher Höflichkeit andere zu gefährden.
Wie gesagt: überhaupt kein Problem, wenn dort keiner kommt. Dann ermöglicht man immer dem Auffahrenden die einfache Einfädelung. Aber nicht im vorauseilenden Gehorsam, wenn der Auffahrende sich problemlos anpassen könnte. Der Beschleunigungsstreifen ist lang, da muss man nicht im Zuckeltrab direkt ganz am Anfang bereits rüberziehen oder selbiges Fehlverhalten fördern.
Alles Gute.
There are car drivers who remain stubborn on their track and possibly even get on the brake, which is the biggest nonsense
You think it’s a specific situation. Then it’s okay. 🙂
If you can’t move to the left, you should go on normally without braking. If the catcher accelerates correctly, he can use gaps.
Greetings HobbyTfz
But only if there’s one, there’s 5 m not enough.
Especially at such low distances one should not brake
The ones on the highway.
With a little team spirit, everything works smoothly.
I really don’t break off when I get out of the gas and let someone in from the threading strip.
You will have learned in the driving school that the vehicles already on the highway have priority. However, there are rules and considerations. Meaning you can let someone go if no one else gets at risk.
The one driving on the highway has an entrance and the one driving on the threading strip must decelerate if there is no space for him!
If he can accelerate properly he can arrange himself
Yes, of course, if there is enough space, it was about who has a way!
The moving vehicle must see that it can start. Driving school basics.
If you don’t get both completely stupid, the buoyant makes a little slower and the buoyant slower without stopping.
If you are on the accelerating strip and cannot arrange yourself in the flowing traffic, you have to brake until you stop. because the main runway has an entrance.
Isn’t the zipper procedure going to work? (I don’t have a license!)
The zip method applies, for example, in the case of narrowing of two equal tracks. Often this is the case with motorway construction sites where the left track is usually introduced into the middle or right. Here the zipper is prescribed.
On the way up, however, a trail that is not permitted to travel arrives at the roadway.
No, by no means.
No, that’s not a jam. Zipper you have when a lot of cars have to thread in parallel. Can be the case when the main lane is already traffic jam. If not, the driver has to wait.
No, you have to go up to the autobahn without obstructing traffic there.
No, you can let someone in, of course, but don’t have to slow down extra for someone!
Thank you.
The one who wants to get on the highway has to slow down.
Then the zip procedure is in place. Right?
No, not exactly.
No, on the highway you have priority
No, in this case not, the one on the threading strip must stop if necessary. The highway is a high-speed road that would cause a deceleration due to a vehicle on which it might be driven to dangerous driving maneuvers.
Not on a driveway.
No, not at this point.
Wrong. The descendant has to accelerate properly then he can arrange himself
The buoyant has to brake if necessary – but you do not break a neck out of the crown if you allow it to change track by slowing down.
Being right does not mean to enforce his right without regard to losses – perhaps you are the next one who hopes on the acceleration track for a friendly driver
Brakes should be avoided. The descendant should accelerate properly, then he can arrange himself
I see daily intervals of 5 m, how to thread in there.
Oh, yes, you’re confusing him.
It is hardly so that all vehicles hold only 5m distance. Especially at such a small distance you should not brake
you are on the highway, so the descendant must adhere to the rules.
After my logic, you brake when the track is blocked on the right. This is the case in itself only with a traffic jam.
Just go over right.
When, then left and not right