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1 year ago


If that’s the wood from your new question, it’s the presumption of house bock!

The thin wall she likes to leave was so thin in this case that it was broken in, maybe when it was kicked, and the hollowed interior would be exposed. On the other hand, they prefer to stay in the more nutritious splint wood layers, perhaps this is why the attack ends after a few mm. But the guess is that this is not the only thief they found! Search for oval drill holes!

1 year ago
Reply to  Ankholl

I mean, you’re really gonna have to look at everything that is pinewood. After the motherfuckers always only eat under the surface for a short time, you often don’t see much from the outside, just the oval drill holes. By knocking etc, you may also be able to determine whether a thief, a bar still feels massive and hears or hollow. However, if there has been no fresh wood that is attractive to the Bock in recent times, it can also be that the damage, but he himself is no longer there.

Not the best news, I’m sorry! Good luck and thanks for 🌟!