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2 years ago

Rich people or businessmen

Yeah, who else?

More expensive propeller machines are also flown by hobby pilots. They’re not even as expensive as most people think. It’s more like a mid-range second car than a toy for super-rich.

Jets stay expensive.

2 years ago
Reply to  TechnikTim

However, the “favourable propeller machines” are still quite expensive due to the parking spaces.

2 years ago
Reply to  Amalia95

Yes, there are pools, there is an airplane with several parts and then the cost is shared. If you want to put this in a calendar for everyone and go. If you do that, it’s actually like a second car that can fly.

Whether you need this and want to make the love of the environment is of course different.

2 years ago

They’re not all rich. That can be many different.

2 years ago

The pilot’s flying with it.

2 years ago

It’ll be pilots.

2 years ago

Pilots fly the machine and the passengers can be both:

Rich people or businessmen

2 years ago

Pilots fly these jets.

2 years ago

I would tap people with a flight license

2 years ago

I would say pilots

2 years ago

Correct… these are all business jets that are either rented to a company or belong to it – or real private jets that belong to people who can afford it.

With German machines, you can also sort out the small single-engine “Sport-Flieger” with the help of the identifiers, which are also always floating around the sky and use a transponder.

2 years ago
Reply to  Traveller5712

The pilot flies the machine

2 years ago

Think about it….

Could you afford to fly with it or to own?

A pilot is just doing his job, flying from A to B for someone with too much money.

2 years ago
Reply to  Amalia95

Mr. Merz is doing both.