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PS : ihr könnt nur Dinge nehmen die ihr bereits probiert habt Und antwortet gerne ihr müsst es nich begründen könnt ihr aber aber sagt einfach gerne was dazu würde mich interessieren aber ihr könnt auch gerne abstimmen ohne zu antworten
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Vorhautverengung schlimm?
Hallo, erstmal: es ist etwas peinlich und schwierig in Worte zu bringen. Ich versuchs trotzdem mal. Ich bin 16 und kann die Vorhaut nicht zurückziehen. Auch schlaff nicht. Ich wollte mal fragen, wie schlimm das ist und ob sich das noch ändern kann? Ich weiss nicht ob das was damit zutun hat, aber meines Wissens…
An die Konsumenten von Drogen wie Gras, Heroin, Koks oder dergleichen… 1. Wie kam es eigentlich dazu, dass du Drogen nimmst/genommen hast? 2. Wie bist du eigentlich in Kontakt mit Dealern gekommen? 3. Wann kamst du das erste Mal mit Drogen in Kontakt? 4. Was reizt euch daran, diese Drogen zu nehmen? 5. Haben die…
Öfters kiffen?
Mich würde interessieren wie oft ihr so kifft.
……. also intelligent people take drugs, which is just as stupid.
Superficial talk, you should always look over the edge of the plate to understand what the reason is someone taking drugs. Often there are great concerns and problems associated with which the consumer wants a break.
A lot is a drug:
Alcohol, nicotine, grass, heroin etc….
I think who takes hard drugs (heroin, crack etc…) is already stupid because this is extremely unhealthy and can bring serious physical consequences.
On the other hand there are drugs such as mushrooms, LSD and grass. I feel these drugs to a degree as okay and keep people who care for conscious handling cannot generally be stupid.
And then, of course, there are still dei folk drugs like nicotine and alcohol. Sliding into a addiction is also kind of stupid.
She’s 14 years old, your mother drinks too much your father beats you, you flee to the street, you get to know someone, he’s older than you, he gives you food and home, he says he loves you, and he has this powder…so everything feels so good…you’re stupid or just inexperienced?
Mostly, it is necessary. An emergency situation may affect the verdict system.
I don’t want to settle. Whoever flips in any stuff without knowing what it does with one, it is a little bit simple.
Well, that happens to a large part of the people who go to the doctor or even psychiatrist, and swallow everything that is “written” to them.
In the “New Normal” we even have drug duty.
I already know what the background of such a statement is; However, I find that the real issue is missed and unnecessarily polarized.
A much more differentiated statement like:
“Many people taking drugs have serious problems and need professional help.”
it is much better, but of course this is much less crisp and you might even begin to address and address the real problems.
There are so many reasons why people take drugs as long as you were never in this situation, you can also judge it badly.
It can be, for example, a stroke of fate behind it, it can be said that it is stupid to stun with drugs, but sometimes you feel so fucking helpless and delivered that you just don’t see a way out.
This has less to do with stupidity, more with desperateness. But if someone just catches drugs (although it’s going super, that’s lucky, etc.) and that’s regular, then I’d look at it in part as not so smart.
It’s one thing to test a drug, but just take it regularly from now on, from my point of view nonsense 🤷.
Studies prove (as is the above), which is even the opposite. Drugs go through all social strata, every epoch. The desire to get into a noise is as old as humanity itself, and firmly anchored in our brain with the biochemical processes.
Drugs function because they give us a positive feeling, or suppress negative emotions, and for that, JEDER is prone, especially those who do not understand that the feelings (or the suppression of these) are synthetic, real emotions can no longer be lived, appear less intense and so the addiction begins. Everyone wants to feel good or forget his suffering. It must be clear that when you talk about drugs, it is very general. Cannabis, heroin and LSD are drugs, but also sugar, caffeine, nicotine and alcohol. Then there are the “drugs” that our body is pouring out, adrenaline, dopamine. So NIEMAND can talk freely about drugs.
What distinguishes us from the other people in this topic is its resilience, its ability to deal with negative emotions, to “stopp” trauma or to live in a stable environment where enough positive feelings are possible. Drugs are crutches, like a lame leg, clearly it’s going better, but even better if you don’t need it.
No, people taking drugs aren’t careless than others, they’re looking for those who haven’t understood that consumption isn’t what they want to find.
Anyone who knows what to do in the consumption of hard drugs, and still does, is in my opinion, even saudumm.
What drugs are for you?
If stupid has nothing to do with intelligence, it is completely subjective, if not, then quite clearly no. Elon musk, for example, takes drugs, Einstein smoked as a young man and many more. Drugs can reduce intelligence,but many people who are intelligent are taking drugs. I also have friends who have an iq of >130 and regularly take drugs. You take alcohol or cannabis. This is also important to me personally that I have no one in my circle of friends who takes up taboo, crack, cocaine or the like, because I do not think of such drugs.
Tobacco? Can’t you be friends with a smoker?
I think it’s stupid, drug users per se as stupid. This is Substance, one of many forms of discrimination, an inappropriate and plumping flat-rate system, which goes past all the essential aspects and problems of the criticized phenomenon.
Also ask me how big the cut is, between people who punch “drug users” as stupid and people who themselves consume alcohol, tobacco or coffee or rely on BTM drugs.
What happened to society that everyone wants to sue in a sacrificial role? At that time, it was a very bad thing to be a victim… today, apparently everyone wants it.
This alone deserves the term ‘dumm’ -.-
When “drug users” «according to certain values or due to unreflected, sometimes unconscious attitudes, prejudices or emotional associations» disadvantaged or degraded they do not enter into a “victim roll” but become discriminatory. A simple fact.
Perhaps this is more discriminatory because society has become more open and thus more diverse?
In addition, what formerly cannabis is banned only since 2929
zb can be sent to prison for cannabis possession 5 years and for rape only 1 year
Do you have a source for that? I am not familiar with such a name, especially since it is about consumers (see questioning), especially when it comes to people who can only have a bag on weekends.
Severe criminals
Wait… the state says consumers are stupid of drugs?
This does not say ali but the German state
“Ali” also contributes its part. It’s far from the only one. It is not possible to reduce the behaviour of any roll.
There are not few people who think badly about “drug users”, just because they take “drugs”. This is discrimination. This point is indiscussible for me, and now do not go further on.
Whoever carries small amounts of cannabis and cannot prove medical use is always displayed without exception. The display can be dropped, but it does not have to.
Is that what’s going on with cannabis? Whoever carries small amounts and is not outrageous/aggressive towards police officers is warned.
Who? The 14-year-old Ali who trolls anonymously on the Internet? Who cares?
But no one asks you to be punished like a rapist if you don’t gender?
But a very lute with imitation character for other jammies (because clearly successful).
No, I’m going to make myself. I’m looking at the nerves when talking about “discrimination”.
Yeah, that’s a little inferior.
Drugs in harmful dimensions consume here min 3/4 of people in their lives.
And sorry is it going anywhere when I drink some cannabis conumire on Saturday instead of a bottle of vodka?
No. society has become thinner. Even the smallest differences of opinion lead to considerable disputes and/or to drawer thinking. Best games provide the gender spinners who constantly whisper about any nonsense.
Sometimes it makes sense to take those, but usually not.
When is it meaningful?
For example, to relieve pain.
But I have deliberately only written “senseful” because I believe it can be useful for everyone in other places.
Then the majority of the population would have to be stupid. Who does not drink alcohol or smoke these days? Besides, there are many smart people who take drugs. Einstein e.g. smoked pipe. Other thinkers have taken hallucinogens, etc.
Many intelligent people have smoked, smoked, drunk or taken other drugs.
Usually the opposite of the gall is more.
Often inteligent people take drugs to change their state of consciousness because they are bored, they are new, or the world otherwise does not survive.
Intelligent people, can make stupid decisions without actually being stupid.
To call someone stupid because of drug use is simply nothing but a shot against drugs again.
I don’t think about it, and the research isn’t. The more intelligent the person, the more he tendsto use cannabis, cocaine, mdma or psychedelic.
I also don’t think of the statement, but let me see the studies that underpin your thesis.
Well, then. Statistics starts in my studies only in the next module:D
Your study was carried out by linking IQ in childhood to alcohol consumption and Alcohol dependency and now wanted to know whether there is also a connection with the consumption of other drugs.
The study only concludes that there is a connection with the latter. could be.
The origin, the quality, the journal and the method of the study and the fact that a correlation does not cause causality for a long time (but of course you did not claim it directly).
In addition, a link between IQ (in childhood) and the consumption of illegal drugs does not have to mean that really intelligent (and successful) people also consume more drugs.
Your thesis cannot be demonstrated with this study. For this, a meta-study would be needed, which is more detailed and considered.
Define drugs. Sugar is also a drug and if you are happy to consume chocolate in an evening it is not stupid.
I’m just taking a drug (alcohol) but I’m not stupid.
Not yet! A very good friend of mine – unfortunately late much too young – was above average intelligent, even had a photographic memory. After decades of alcohol abuse, he became forgetful – not dement – that he could not work anymore. He was a writer. For example, he forgot to write words in a sentence and didn’t even notice it…
Use and abuse are a difference.
Not every alcohol trincts alcohol abuse. It is clear that daily alcohol consumption in high amounts of one day destroys your brain.
But someone who drinks a bottle of wine every month will hardly develop cognitive problems
After decades of alcohol abuse…that after regular-excessive abuse of a neurotoxic substance for decades, no longer all latte on the fence has been surprising. Don’t mean evil.
I will give you
Snoop Dogg, stupid?
Barack Obama, stupid?
Keith Richards, stupid?
Jack Nicholson, stupid?
Lady Gaga, stupid?
Moritz Bleibtreu, stupid?
Madonna, stupid?
How do you become prominent when you’re stupid?
Some of the most intelligent people in the world have or regularly take drugs.
And whoever’s stupid is going to take care of drugs.
And you can prove that?
My experience tells me it’s not wrong. Many students also take drugs. But always the “thought” of the students who don’t really get much on the line and therefore fall through exams because they always only make party and not because the exam was so hard. They terrorize their entire student residence, who cannot take responsibility and are still being haunted by their parents (a student who works to finance himself completely will not have money for drugs). Among the elite students, you won’t find anyone taking drugs. And this principle then continues throughout life. People everywhere take drugs, but always only the most annoying of all people who always get nothing on the line. I didn’t want to say it. Maybe also doctors, maybe even lawyers, but always the most trotty in his profession, to which you can clean everything afterwards.
One can, of course, always turn into a sacrificial role and say, ‘But I had the hardest life in the world and no other choice at all.’ But intelligent people deal differently with crises and question more. They would then rather be prescribed antidepressants.
However, when someone has arrived at the bottom, it is not going deeper and only then begins to take drugs(and not vice versa, at the bottom for Drugs) you can’t judge the person. Speak if someone is homeless or prostitution. But many start as young people because they are so terribly cool or cannot deal with crises.
According to my experience, there are in many social strata people who take drugs and exaggerate alcohol consumption. But these are the few in their shifts, which have at least their lives under control. And the higher the education and intelligence, the less such people exist. There are surgeons who regularly drink completely. They’re going to her job. But then into her Messi apartment and have nothing else in control of life.
Ultimately it makes addiction, costs money and is bad for health.
However, as I sometimes drink a beer that is actually a drug thanks to the alcohol, I do not want to name myself indirectly as a dummy now.
By the way, sugar is also one and in the broadest sense also the smartphone
Depends on the drug. I regularly consume sugar and caffeine…
This depends on the motives, just like “I’ll bet if I take heroin now” is stupid
Right, but daa is not the rule. Most of them are fun.
There are various drugs. Alcohol would also be a
Then half humanity would be stupid.
And whoever needed for medical purposes would also be stupid?
Only those who commit certain drugs in order to be a bit off would be stupid.
What drugs would that be?
Esv goes around here yours Opinion.
To many who do not handle their consumption and take large amounts of drugs for a long time, this is true, but not everyone who has some drug consuming is automatically stupid. This is a very undifferentiated statement.
ne, it is more likely that they have suffered many fates and seek help in drugs.
Depends on what you call it a drug, as long as it does not harm health.
It’s not stupid to have a bit of fun, even if it’s a bit dangerous and a lot of money.
in young years someone is naive and can be tempted to drug use, so the statement in the anstatz is unfortunately correct. in later years of life, someone knows from experience that the drug is slowly totally destroying the life, therefore wants to become smarter (no more stupid) no longer take any drug, but is somehow ABHÄNGIG from the drug and therefore takes the drug, despite the mentally smarter.
I’ve never heard that statement before. The expression ‘dumm’ is difficult to grasp and therefore not good to use.
I’ve heard it more often than 10min ago
Just bullshit. Point.
Take drugs is stupid. The person who takes drugs must not be stupid